Zion - The Blood That Flows Through Our Veins.
Erev Tisha B'Av, 5780
Tomorrow evening, Jewish people the world over will once again observe Tisha B'Av, the "day which will live in infamy" for the Jewish people. It is a National day of mourning and introspection marked by a 24 hour fast, the recitation of Jeremiah's Lamentations recounting Jerusalem's destruction, and a day of forgoing physical pleasures.
Tisha B'Av or the 9th of the Hebrew month of Av is the day that both the first temple (destroyed by the Babylonians in 587 B.C.E.) and second temple (destroyed by the Romans in 68 C.E.) in Jerusalem were laid to waste. Additionally, it is the day of the falling of the Beitar fortress to the Romans in 135 C.E. and the day on which the spies sent by Moses in the wilderness returned with their evil and deceptive report. All these calamities resulted in untold deaths, misery, and exile for our people.
While we are certainly sentimental in Jewish thought and practice, it does seem a bit odd that for thousands of years we have been fixated on an ancient city and the calamities that befell her, so many millennia ago. What is it about Jerusalem also known as Zion, that has captured the minds and hearts of Jews so strongly?
A story is told of the great French leader, Napoleon Bonaparte. He once was traveling through a small Jewish town in Europe and entered a synagogue where he saw an awful sight. Men and women were weeping, as they were sitting on the floor, holding candles while reading from books. It was a gloomy and sad sight to behold. Napoleon asked why the people were weeping, and wanted to know what misfortune had befallen them. An enlightened French officer told him that these Jewish people had a custom to gather once a year on a day called the ninth day of Av, the day that marks the destruction of the Jewish people's Temple. Twice they built a magnificent Temple in Jerusalem and both were destroyed. After their second Temple was destroyed, the people were scattered all over the world and sold as slaves. In order to commemorate these sad events, they gather once a year in synagogue to fast, pray, and read sad prophetic writings concerning the destruction of their Temple and land. Napoleon inquired as to how many years earlier the Temple had been destroyed, and was told more than 2000 years. Upon hearing this, Napoleon exclaimed, "A nation that cries and fasts for over 2,000 years for their land and Temple, will surely be rewarded with their Temple rebuilt."
As we look through Jewish liturgy, our prayers are filled with hopes and prayers for our return to Jerusalem. For example in the daily Amidah prayer, recited thrice daily we pray "May our eyes behold Your return to Zion in mercy". Or ponder the statement by Rabbi Yehuda Halevi (1075-1141) a Spanish, Jewish, physician, poet and philosopher who famously stated "My heart is in the East but I'm at the end of the west".
More recently, Jerusalem has made International headlines with its liberation in 1967 in the Six Day War and of course the 2018 announcement by President Trump of moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem had politicians, world leaders and evening news reels busy with statements of support, condemnation and more. Truth be told, Jerusalem should not even register as a major city on the world scale and wouldn't even make it into the top fifteen cities of the Unites States! With a population of 874,000, Jerusalem is on par with number 655 in word city population, equal to Tuxtla, Gutierrez, Mexico.
Why the fascination with Jerusalem? Or to quote the Psalmist "If I forget thee O Jerusalem, May I watch my right arm wither". Really? A bit extreme you might say.
But something about Jerusalem is different. It is our eternal home. It is the heart of the holy land. It is the city from which Torah poured forth.
Of course, historically, the three major religions of the world have ties and important history in Jerusalem. Today it is one of the largest cities in Israel and hosts many corporations and important interests.
But for the Jewish people, Jerusalem is not just a city. It is the blood that flows through our veins.
The name Jerusalem is mentioned no less than 669 times in the T'Nach (Jewish Bible) and the name Zion (another name for Jerusalem) another 154 times, for whopping total of 823 times. For a book in which every letter and punctuation is so precise, that is a lot of extra parchment and ink.
Recently, I experienced one of the most beautiful and touching moments in my life. I was blessed and had the merit to hold my first grandchild in my arms. My granddaughter was named Tziona Leah after two great, great grandmothers. Chana Tziona Hagege/Barouk born in Tunisia, North Africa, and Leah Okolica born in Tann, Germany. Two proud, devout, Jewish matriarchs who left a remarkable impact on their descendants. Two different women, born over one hundred years ago, from diverse Jewish traditions, one Sefardic and one Ashkenazic, and yet, one shared dream and vision.
Besides being touched by the moment and the sweetness of this precious child, I was struck by the divine providence of her name and the meaning it carries. Tziona is the feminine version of Zion. The Biblical name for Jerusalem, a name that the Jewish people continued to name their children, as an everlasting hope of the return to our homeland and capitol. Leah is the name of our fourth matriarch, who was the mother of the kings and priests of Israel. Tziona Leah, the history, yearning, prayers, and blessings of our people.
As we observe Tisha B'Av once again this year, I will be thinking not only of our shared history and holy city, and our hopes for its complete majestic restoration but also of the personal meaning that has been added for me and my family.
Indeed, "May our eyes behold Your return to Zion in mercy" with a world redeemed and the coming of our righteous Moshiach, Amen.
A meaningful fast to all.