Sunday, September 13, 2020

Eyes Closed - Rosh Hashanah

Eyes Closed
Rosh Hashanah 5784

Another year has gone by and we stand in the final hours of 5783 as we prepare for yet another Rosh Hashanah. This year has had its highs and lows, and we are hopeful for a new year and a new spiritual energy that will usher in the year 5784.

During the 48 hours of Rosh Hashanah, we pray a great deal, listen to inspiring sermons and melodies, hear the sounds of the Shofar, and of course, eat delicious foods. Sometimes, amid the bustle and jam-packed hours of the holiday, it is easy to feel, let us say, lost. What is it exactly that we are supposed to feel? Am I a bad Jew if I am not moved by Rosh Hashanah? What is the takeaway from this holy day beyond a stomach filled with brisket and delicious Challah?

Of course, every human being is a unique being, and each one of us is moved in a different manner. Over my many years leading services as a Chazan/rabbi, I am always fascinated by the comments that I get from congregants. Some people are moved by a Niggun, while others just enjoy the silent meditation. Some folks enjoy the English readings, while others enjoy a heart-stirring story. Still, some just like to sit and take it all in or enjoy the melodies and chanting in Hebrew. The point being, each one of us has to find what works for us and what will inspire us to come closer to Hashem.

Perhaps, the most well known prayer and liturgy of the High Holiday season is the Avinu Malkeinu. This beautiful and moving prayer was composed by the great sage Rabbi Akiva (Mishnaic Sage, Israel 1st Century). The words Avinu Malkeinu mean, "Our Father Our King". Rabbi Akiva wished to convey that G-d listens to our prayers both a merciful King and ruler and as a loving and devoted Father.

I would like to share with you a story. One evening in New York at a wedding, a young man approached a rabbi sitting at the reception. "Shalom Aleichem Rabbi! Do you remember me?" he asked. The rabbi looked up at him said slowly, "You were one of my students many years ago?" The younger man introduced himself by name and a friendly chat ensued. "What do you do for a living" asked the rabbi. "Well, I am a school teacher just like you" the younger man responded. "You inspired me to become a teacher!" the young man exclaimed. "Really? Me?" The rabbi looked confused. The younger man explained. "Many years ago, when I was in the third grade, you were my teacher. One day, one of the boys in the class came to school with a beautiful new watch. He was the envy of every student. When recess came, I couldn't contain myself and took the watch and put it in my pocket. But after everyone returned from recess, it was discovered that someone had stolen the watch. You announced to the class "Whoever took the watch should please return it immediately." No one moved. I was too embarrassed to do anything. "Well, if no one will admit to taking the watch, I am going to have to ask the entire class to stand up along the wall. I am going to ask each of you to empty their pockets, until the watch is found." We all lined up and I was petrified of getting caught and embarrassed. As you walked up to the first student in the line you said "Now everyone closed your eyes until this ordeal is over."  The watch was found, but you never said a word to me about it. I learned my lesson, and I was so touched that you didn't embarrass me in public" said the younger man, "You inspired me to want to be a teacher like you". "Aha, very interesting indeed" said the rabbi. "You know, I didn't know who it was that took the watch until now, because I too, closed my eyes."

When we pray before G-d on Rosh Hashanah we come from a place of humility. We say, Almighty Father in heaven, Avinu Malkeinu, have compassion and give us everything we need like a compassionate and loving father. And as for our faults and misdeeds this past year, please G-d, close your eyes. The High Holidays are about how we can be the best version of ourselves. We are given these days on introspection as a gift from above, so we can turn a new leaf and start anew. Follow your soul and your inner voice. Find that which speaks to your heart, and embrace it. You wont regret it.

May we all be blessed with a Ktiva V'Chatima Tova-may we all be inscribed and sealed into the Book of Life for a wonderful, blessed and healthy year ahead.

Rabbi Y. Marrus 

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