Beautiful Expressions
Noy Sukkah-The Decorations of the Sukkah
Sukkot is the holiday of joy, Zman Simchateinu. After the soul searching and seriousness of the High Holidays, we transition into the festive mood of Sukkot. The sights and smells of this holiday; the Lulav, Etrog, Hadas and Aravah (palm frond, citrus, myrtle and willow), the smell of the Schach (covering of the sukkah), and of course the change in weather, that usually occurs this time of the year.
One of the customs of Sukkot is called "Noy Sukkah" which means the decorations of the Sukkah. This custom includes decorating our Sukkahs with beautiful decorations, endless chains of colored craft paper, pictures, and even hanging of fruits on the inside of our Sukkot. Some have the custom of focusing on filling the Sukkah with guests, as the "decorations" of the holiday.
What is the meaning of this custom and why do we seem to be focused on the physical and material aspect of the Mitzvah, instead of the spiritual essence of it?
The Talmud teaches (Shabbat 133) “This is my G-d and I will give Him Beauty,” (Shemot 15:2) may be interpreted in this way … “Make yourself beautiful before Him in your performance of the “Mitzvot,” the Commandments: “… a beautiful “Sefer Torah,” with beautiful ink, with a beautiful pen, by an expert scribe, and placed in a beautiful covering. The above principle, of performing the Commandments in a beautiful way applies to all the (248) Positive “Mitzvot,” or Commandments of the Torah, but has special application to the “Mitzvot” of Sukkot, where “beauty” is not just a quality describing the Commandment, but is an essential part of the Commandment. When the Torah describes an “Etrog,” a Citron Fruit, as a “Pri Eitz Hadar,” (Vayikra 23:40) a “fruit of a tree of beauty,” it doesn’t mean to say only that the fruit should exhibit the quality of beauty, but that beauty should be part of the essential nature of the “etrog.”
Thus, after so much structure of the prayers and customs related to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we give voice to our own expression of love and dedication to G-d. We offer our very best and use all of our abilities and talents to "beautify" the commandments of the Sukkot holiday. The Noy Sukkah, represents our contribution, in our small way to honor Hashem and do it in the most beautiful way possible.
Chag Sameach!
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