Parshat Bereisheet
With the holiday of Simchat Torah behind us, we now turn our focus on the new cycle of Torah reading, as we read again the first portion, Bereisheet. Our commentaries explain, that the Torah is meant to be a book of instruction for us. Although it does contain history, stories, and many other details, it is primarily a book of instruction, as the Hebrew word Torah comes from the word Ho'raha-instruction. Therefore, every word and verse teaches us important lessons of how to live our lives in a G-dly manner.
We are told that Hashem created the world "B'Asarah Ma'amarot - with Ten Utterances". Almighty G-d did not create the world with physical labor, rather, by uttering the commands found in the account of creation of the world in Bereisheet. As we read the account of creation and the creation of Adam and Chava (Eve), we also read of the first Mitzvah given to them "but of the tree of knowledge of Good and Bad, you shall not eat". Nonetheless, our sages do not see this as the first Mitzvah per say, as this was a specific command to them, not all of humanity. The first Mitzvah in the Torah as discussed by the Rishonim (codifiers) is Peru U'Revu-"be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth". Others count the Mitzvah of Rosh Chodesh (commandment of maintaining the Lunar calendar in the Book of Shemot) as the actual first Mitzvah in the count of the "613 Mitzvot", as it was the first Mitzvah given to the Jewish Nation as a whole, just prior to the Exodus.
But when we look closely, we see that the actual first command or words spoken by G-d in the Torah are "Yehi Ohr-Let there be light". Simply understood, this was the beginning of the creation, when G-d created light as the precursor to separating the "Night and Day".
But is there perhaps a lesson to be learned of WHY the first G-dly utterance is "Let there be Light"?
When we think of our role as human beings and more specifically as Jews, what is it that we are supposed to accomplish? What is the ultimate reason for the Creation? The answer our sages tell us, is to create a dwelling place for Hashem in this world. To bring holiness and G-dliness into every aspect of the physical world. We are enjoined to bring hope and light to every living being, or as the prophet tell us "to be a shining light onto the nations of the worlds" (Isaiah 49:6).
At the Jewish Day School of San Antonio-TASA, we view this directive as the cornerstone of our mission and vision of our educational philosophy. We aspire to prepare our students, so they can become future ambassadors of light for their future families and communities. For all the study, academics, Mitzvot, and lessons, need to lead us in the direction of infusing everything with a Higher Purpose. Perhaps, this a reason why the first utterance by Hashem is Let there be light". Because with out radiating light and hope to others, what would be the point of all of humanity?
Shabbat Shalom.
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