Monday, December 14, 2020

Effort vs Faith - Miketz

Effort vs Faith
Parshat Miketz

This week's Torah portion opens with the words "Vayehi Miketz Shnatayim Yamim-It was at the end of two years". Exactly two years after Yosef interpreted the dreams of the the butler and baker in the previous portion of Vayeshev, Pharaoh has a dream which Yosef will interpret and lead to his appointment as viceroy of Egypt.

The Midrash Tanchuma explains, that since Yosef placed his hope in the butler saying "Please remember me to Pharaoh" (Bereishit 40:14), he was punished that his sentence would be extended by two years. Thus, the opening of our portion.

Many of the classic commentators struggle with this understanding. Was Yosef just supposed to sit back and wait for a miracle to happen? He saw an opportunity that was certainly sent by Hashem, and he acted on it. So why was he punished? Some answer this conundrum by suggesting, that for a Tzadik as great as Yosef this was a sin, but for an ordinary person it would not be considered sinful. Other commentaries explain that it was Yosef's griping and complaining about his situation (Genesis 40:15) that was sinful, as he should have accepted, that Hashem had a reason for putting him where he was.

Parents are faced with a dilemma. Do we have to have faith in G-d that our children will turn out alright or is it dependent on our actions; education and upbringing and parenting. Secondly, even if we do everything right and give our kids the best possible, will they in fact always do what is proper and right? Are we a failure if our children don't follow the path we chart for them?

The answer in classic Jewish thought is "they are both right". We must have faith in Hashem and pray for our children that they turn out alright. Then we must engage in Hishtadlut (our efforts) doing our very best to give them the finest Jewish education, living environment, good friends, health and much more. Then we must have Emunah (faith) in Hashem.

The lesson we learn from Yosef is not to Kvetch (complain). Too often, we succumb to complaining and Kvetching about our situation. The lesson we learn, is that we must always remember that our children do not belong to us. Rather they belong to Hashem and every challenge and hurdle that they (and we) will face, is from Hashem. Instead of complaining we should continue with our Emunah (faith) and Hishtadlut to the best of our abilities. Then we have Bitachon (trust) that everything will turn out the way its supposed to be.

Shabbat Shalom 

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