Parshat Vayera
In this week's Parsha we read how the cities of Sodom and Gemorrah were destroyed by Hashem for their evil and immoral behavior. Lot, Avraham's nephew and his family were saved from the inferno. When they are fleeing the city, the angels warn them "escape for your lives and do not look back" (Vayera 19:17). Lot's wife Idit, looked back and turned into a pillar of salt. The Torah tells us "Vatabet Ishto Meacharav, Vatehi Netziv Melach-His wife looked back and turned into a pillar of salt" (Vayera 19:26).
Rashi (France 1040-1105) explains this passage according to the Midrash. When Lot invited the angels to eat in his home (against Sodom's laws) he asked his wife to borrow salt from a neighbor. She disapproved of his "terrible choice" of inviting guests, and went from house to house telling people that her husband had broken Sodom law and invited guests. She was now punished Mida K'neged Midah (measure for measure) by turning into a pillar of salt. Other commentaries focus on the word "Vatabet-and she looked" indicating a negative and evil act and contrast it to another verse (Genesis 19:28) that states "Vayashkef and Avraham gazed" which indicates a positive and hopeful attitude.
The word used to tells us that Lot's wife tuned into salt is "Netziv Melach". The word Netziv also means "Matzevah" a monument or gravestone. The lesson is that Lot's wife was stuck in the past and negativity. She was a relic of the past, unable to move forward and adapt to a new reality.
The lesson we can learn from this as parents and educators is profound. Often, we label our children and students because of things they have done in the past. Similarly, we are afraid to make positive changes, or shake things up for the better, because we are stuck in the past. The message from this Parsha is, don't be a relic. Don't be stuck in the past. Adapt and move forward. Give your children and yourself the ability to start fresh. The Jewish people starting with Avraham and Sarah had this unique gift of accepting the past and being able to let it go and move forward.
Truly, a lesson we can all learn from.
Shabbat Shalom,