Friday, November 28, 2014

Dreamers and Doers - Vayetzei

Dreamers and Doers
Parshat Vayeiyzei

Our weekly portion begins with our forefather Yakov's journey from Cana'an in search of a wife. He chances upon mount Moriah and has his well known dream of the angles going up and down a ladder.

Our sages tell us that the paradigm of this ladder and dream reflects the daily quest for us trying to ascend to the heavens. In the Talmud this ladder is the symbol of Teffila-prayer.  We endeavor through our prayers, to reach lofty spiritual heights, though we are mere lowly humans.

What is is about this dream and story that seems to reverberate throughout our history and destiny?

The answer is, the world is comprised of dreamers and doers.

Dreams represent the untapped possibilities, the naivety of youth. The hope of a better and more prosperous future. The desire and yearning for a more spiritual self.

Doers represent the realm of action. Taking the idea or inspiration and converting that creative idea into real, tangible results. But, alas, it is not so easy. The realities of life, station, workplace, finances and spiritual condition, commonly overwhelm us and destroy any dreams we may have had.

The status quote rules.

 Rarely do we encounter an individual who is both a dreamer and a doer. Of all our forefathers it is Yakov who is called the father of the Jewish people. Because he embodied the quality of not just dreaming but bringing that idea and creative energy to fruition and actuality.

So dream your dreams, but more importantly, bring them to actuality.

Shabbat Shalom

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