Thursday, November 27, 2014

Institutional Memory - Re'eh

Institutional Memory - Parshat Re'eh

This past week on Wednesday, August 20th, the Torah Academy of San Antonio (TASA) began it's second school year. As an administrator and principal of the Judaic and Hebrew department, the beginning of the school year always presents certain challenges. The myriad of details that must be taken care of prior to schools opening. Books, posters, and classroom teaching materials. The physical moving and organizing of desks, chairs, bookcases. The technology side of it; computers, printers, copy machines, and everything else you can imagine. And the teacher training, lesson plans, scope and sequence and curricula.

Most importantly however, is the institutional memory of the school. The customs, traditions, and overall feeling and atmosphere. Its the heart of the institution. While some staff may come and others may go, the underpinnings of the school, it's principles, and it's institutional fundamentals remain steadfast.

In short, in order for a school to be successful and prepared for its first day of school, it's institution must be strong with its foundation secure.

One year ago when TASA began its inaugural year, it was quite a different story. There simply was no institutional memory, period. We began a new school on a hope and a prayer to provide Jewish children a wonderful Judaic and secular education. Prior to that first day, it was a dream. It was a new institution, in a new facility, with new teachers. There were no computers, printers, chairs or even desks. There were no files cabinets or retention lists to speak of. In fact, it was the most difficult "school start" that I have ever experienced in my 18 year teaching career.

And then with Hashem's help, we opened and began to build our school. Brick by brick. Child by child. One computer at a time. Every holiday or event was a first, like baby's first year.

The results were thank G-d impressive. 30 students attended and grew in their spirituality and love of Judaism. Students scored remarkable well on the CTP-4 standardized tests. The school office began to resemble that of a well oiled machine.

Now we begin our second year. Perhaps the most stark difference is this; Institutional Memory. Yes, we have a 30% increase in students. Indeed, we have more wonderful teachers and staff. We also have the successes of the previous year to guide us as well as the knowledge of those areas that we will improve on. But it is not a new venture.

In this week's Torah portion of Re'eh, Hashem warns the Jewish people that when they enter the land of Israel they must drive out the idol worshipping people from their midst. The reason? The "Institutional Memory" of idol worship and paganism would remain in the land and influence the Jews negatively. In this case, Klal Yisrael were destined to begin a new "Institutional Memory", one that would last for thousands of years, to this very day.

 It was not easy. It took much hard work, courage and determination. But the rewards were incredible and magnificent.

Like TASA.

Shabbat Shalom

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