Thursday, November 27, 2014

On Being Grateful - Ki Tavo

Being Grateful
Parshat Ki Tavo

This past week was an interesting one. It was an interesting one because of a range of emotions I was experiencing.

On a national level we observed the 13th anniversary of September 11, 2001. A day that as President Roosevelt said (regarding The Pearl Harbor attack), "will forever live in infamy". As a New Yorker and one that was quite familiar with the World Trade Center it had a great impact on me, as it did for many Americans.

On a personal note, this week marked the fifth anniversary of a difficult situation in my family life. The loss of a baby and a miraculous though tedious recovery of my dear wife, Malkie.

That got me thinking. Why is it that when we are in the process of experiencing something extremely powerful we have one set of emotions but later on have different emotions about the same event.

In this week's Torah portion Ki Tavo we are introduced to the Mitzvah of Bikurim-First Fruits. This was observed when a farmer would bring his first fruits to Jerusalem and offer his thanks and gratitude to the Al-Mighty. This Mitzvah was meant to inculcate within us a sense of Hakarat Hatov-gratitude to Hashem for all He has given us. Notwithstanding all of the farmer's hard work and effort, he had to remember that the blessing comes from above.

So in that spirit....

Thank you Hashem for protection of our country these past 13 years. Thank you to all the soldiers, policeman, fireman, rescue workers and medical professionals who continually strive to make our land safe.

And thank you Hashem for my wonderful wife and children. I am truly blessed beyond measure.

Shabbat Shalom

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