Thursday, November 27, 2014

Unconditional Love - Toldot

Unconditional Love
Parshat Toldot

This week's Torah portion of Toldot opens with the birth of Yakov and Esav, the children born to Yitzchak and Rivkah after many childless years. The Torah tells us "Vayeehav YItzchak et Eisav - and Yitzchak loved Esav"(Berisheet 25:28).

Every year, as I read this portion I think and feel for the parents, Yitzchak our patriarch and Rivkah our matriarch. Poor things. Their son, Esav, was clearly not following in their footsteps, not following their morals and beliefs, giving them heartache, "Tzoros", and shame.

Can we imagine a conversation between them that went something like this, "What will the neighbors say?", "Why do we deserve this! We are good people!", Perhaps they said to themselves, "This child will never be a success!"

And yet, the Torah does not mention any negative comments by the parents, only the love, care, and the remarkable respect Esav had for his parents. They may have been profoundly disappointed with their child's choices, but their love remained unconditional.

The teachings of Kabbalah tell us that while Yitzchak understood Esav's faults, he also saw his amazing potential. Yitzchak hoped and prayed that Esav would change his way and live up to the incredible soul he had.

The Torah tells us these stories so we can learn lessons in our lives and be encouraged in our daily challenges and parenting.

Love your children unconditionally. And when times are tough, love them even more. It's not easy by any means, but if our ancestors could do it for Esav, so can we. We must strive to see the good and potential of every child.

Shabbat Shalom

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