You Da King
Parshat Netzavim-Vayelech
Are you a king? How about a princess or perhaps the famously coined line "JAP" Jewish American princess?
What defines royalty or leadership? Is it the lineage and pedigree or is it something that one can acquire and aspire to?
In this week'a parsha we read of the special mitzvah called Hakhel. The Torah instructs us that on the Sukkot holiday following the Sabbatical year (Shemitah) all Jews, of all genders and ages must come to Jerusalem. There, a huge platform was erected in the temple, on which the king would stand and read certain sections of the Torah.
The purpose of this mitzvah was to instill a sense of awe and reverence as well as an adherence to the Torah and Mitzvot. When the Jewish community would see the most powerful person in the land, the king, read the Torah and proclaim Hashem's dominion, as master of the world, this would inspire them to do the same.
It was all about setting a positive and spiritual example.
In our lives we are all kings and queens in our own little worlds. We are the ones our children, grandchildren, students and friends may look up to.
Be an example! Lead by virtue of your faith and proudly proclaim it!
You will be surprised how many will be inspired.
Shabbat Shalom and Shana Tova U'metuka to all.
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