The Chicken or the Egg
Parshat Pikudei
Our weekly Torah portion of Pikudei discusses the final details of the construction of the Mishkan (tabernacle in the wilderness) and how it was actually set up. The conclusion of these many portions (beginning with Terumah) discussing the Mishkan is the beautiful sanctuary and Hashem's presence descending upon it. As the Torah tells us, "The cloud covered the Tent of Meeting, and the glory of Hashem filled the Tabernacle."
Can you imagine the joy and sense of validation in that moment? After months of planning and tedious work, it was finally complete. Hashem's Shechina (presence) resting on it was certainly the cherry on top.
Our commentaries record a fascinating discussion between Moshe and the lead architect Betzalel. Moshe commanded Betzalel to make the vessels and artifacts of the Mishkan first, and then construct the actual structure. Betzalel argued that it made no sense. First you must construct the structure, and only then do you make the vessels and artifacts to be placed inside the structure. Moshe corrected himself saying "You are correct! That is in fact what Hashem commanded me."
In the age old proverbial question it is asked, what comes first - the chicken or the egg? In simpler terms we can ask, what comes first - the structure or the accoutrements?
There are two parts to every building or operating system. There is the inner structure and "brain" behind the system and the glitzy outer shell of said system or building. In essence, we have the "structure" (which may be hidden), and then the "accoutrements", what is visible to the naked eye.
So often in Chinuch (Jewish education), so often, we are focused on what we want the end product to look like. We want our children to be a Mentch, G-d fearing, learned, passionate, sensitive and more. These aspirations are not only necessary, but they establish the goals and benchmarks by which we can guide our children in the maze of life.
But HOW do we help them achieve these lofty goals?
The answer lies in this discussion between Moshe & Betzalel. Moshe said to make the "accoutrements" first, because that is what we want the end product to look like. Moshe was focused on the end-goal. But Betzalel, the architect said to wait, because we need to build the infrastructure and operating system behind it first. Moshe acquiesced.
If we want our children to be a certain way and we want a specific outcome, it is not enough that we articulate or focus on the outcome. We must actively build the system behind it. That is what Jewish education is all about. The structure is the system we raise our children in; the home, the synagogue, the values and traditions, the holidays, the joy of Yiddishkeit and so much more.
Indeed, we must first invest in and build the structure and then the rest will follow.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Y. Marrus
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