Parshat Vayakhel
This week's Torah portion of Vayakhel is a review of the construction of the Mishkan (Tabernacle in the wilderness). Due to its great importance, the Torah repeats the directives of how to construct the Mishkan and then we are told how the work actually progressed.
Let us focus on one area in particular, the cover/roof of the Mishkan. As the Mishkan was a collapsible and movable structure, the cover was made out of beautiful tapestries. These layers of tapestries called Yeriot - יריעת, were woven together to cover the expanse of the entire tabernacle. More specifically, we are told that there were five curtains/strips of tapestries that were woven together, and then another five curtains/strips of tapestries that were woven together. These two larger tapestries were then connected by means of loops and clasps. It then was spread out over the entire Mishkan, forming a beautiful roof.
For some reason, I have been thinking about the קרסים - Kerasim (Hebrew for clasps) the last couple of days. Why were clasps necessary? Why were there clasps and not hooks? Is there perhaps a deeper lesson connected to this?
After a quick online search, I found the following explanation in defining the difference between a hook and a clasp. "As nouns, the difference between clasp and hook is that clasp is a fastener or , particularly one that clasps while hook is a rod bent into a curved shape, typically with one end free and the other end secured to a rope or other attachment."
In other words, a clasp is a firm and secure fastener, while a hook is less secure.
One of the greatest challenges and responsibilities we have in life is educating our children/students to become confident and functional human beings. When children are young we provide for them a home, a safe environment where they can grow and develop. Every child needs that security, a literal and preverbal "roof over their head". Only when we are safe, secure, and loved, can we then spread our wings and grow in a healthy way.
Perhaps, in this lies a deeper message of the importance of the "roof" of the Mishkan. The roof of the Mishkan was fastened with firm clasps and not hooks, because the message is "this is a solid roof over our heads". The Mishkan, that is symbolic of our spiritual home, was our safe and nurturing place, and Hashem was telling us "you are safe here".
Just like children need that stability and knowledge that their home is secure, so too, Hashem provided security and stability in our spiritual home.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Y. Marrus
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