Thursday, March 31, 2022

No Pain No Gain-Tazria

No Pain, No Gain
Parshat Tazria

In this week's Parshah of Tazria, the Torah opens with the laws of ritual purity and impurity. The first law taught is regarding a woman that gives birth and then becomes Tameh-ritually impure. After a set number of days, the new mother must bring an offering to the Bet Hamkidash (Temple). Although in today's day and age this no longer applies, there is still the custom held by many families that the first "outing" after childbirth is to the synagogue, where the new mother recites the blessing of Hagomel-a blessing of  thanks and gratitude. The blessing of a baby is one of the greatest blessings possible. A healthy mother and baby is truly nothing short of a miracle. While it happens so often that we may forget the miraculous nature of it, G-d forbid, when something doesn't go well, we are reminded what an incredible miracle it actually is.

Hence, the question remains: why is the new mother ritually impure-Tameh? After bringing a new life into the world and experiencing this G-dlike moment of creating a child, she should be anything but ritually impure!

Some commentaries connect this with the sin of the Tree of Knowledge, and explain that the Tumah is actually associated with the punishment of Chava (Eve) in the book of Berishit (Genesis 3:16). The Kotzker Rebbe (R' Menachem Mendel of Kotzk 1787-1859) explains that anyone who has experienced childbirth knows fully well that this may be the greatest miracle that they will ever witness in their lifetime. The holiness of the miracle is so intense that after it subsides there is some level of mundanity and Tumah left over. This is what this ritual impurity is about.  The Kli Yakar (1550-1619 Poland) brings an explanation from the Holy Zohar (primary work of Kabbalah), that evil spirits always attach themselves to holy things and holy places. As evil is parasitic, it always looks for the Holy to degrade it. After the holiness and presence of Hashem departs (after the birth occurs), evil then tries to fill the void. This is why there is a level of Tumah left.

Perhaps there is also a simpler message that we can learn from this portion. 

We all want success. We want good outcomes and a desire to live a good life with all the pleasures. Yet, success and achievement do not come easily. It takes much hard work and investment to reap the benefits. Nothing is free and nothing is earned without blood, sweat and tears, as the saying goes, No Pain, No Gain. The problem is that we want the success without the hard work. This is quite similar to a cute baby that everyone coos over. While some marvel at the cuteness and fun of the baby, every parent knows the hardship of pregnancy, lack of sleep, financial cost, commitment and investment placed into this beautiful child.

Perhaps a lesson that we can teach our children is that if there is no investment there will not be a return. Hence, while a new mother celebrates her new role, baby and miracle, there is still some spiritual impurity-reminding us that anything worthwhile takes personal investiture and commitment. 

With prayers for peace in the world.

Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Y. Marrus 

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