Thursday, March 24, 2022

Glass Ceilings-Shemini

Glass Ceilings
Parshat Shemini-Parah

This week we read the third portion of the Book of Vayikra (Leviticus) called Shemini. This portion discusses the inauguration of the Tabernacle in the wilderness, also known as the Mishkan, and focuses on the 8th day of the celebration. This 8th day was uniquely special because it was the day that Aaron became the High Priest, and dedication of the holy Tabernacle was complete.

According to Jewish mysticism and Kabbalah, the number 8 represents something extraordinary. While the number 7 represents the natural order of the world and the seven days of creation, the number 8 represents that which is above nature. The number 8 is about taking life and everything we do to an entirely different level. As the Yiddish saying goes, "A Tefach Hecher", to live life on an entirely higher sphere.

In ancient times, all study was done by heart. The study of the Torah and its commentary were reviewed 100 times by every student, in order to retain the teaching. That was the expected and followed practice. Our sages in the Talmud greatly praise the one who reviews his study 101 times. Because that one extra time is taking your study to an entirely new level. While it is technically only one more time, in essence, you are shattering the glass ceiling and challenging yourself to be “A Tefach Hecher” - on a higher level.

One of the greatest gifts we can give our children is a strong and healthy self confidence. Not a silly reality or a denial of our deficiencies, but a realization that notwithstanding them, they can still do amazing things. We must instill in our children a self confidence that not only allows our children to be successful but to shatter glass ceilings. When a child lives with the knowledge that they can accomplish anything they set their mind to, we see amazing things develop during the course of their lives.

Parshat Shemini and the Number 8 teach us that we must always challenge ourselves
to live to the maximum, to set our goals high, and make our mark on the world in which Hashem has placed us. While we must always work on ourselves and help our children work on themselves, that however should never stop us from reaching for the stars and shattering the self imposed glass ceilings. Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi Y. Marrus

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