Parshat Metzorah
In this week's Torah portion we discuss at great length the purification process of the Metzorah (the leper). The leprosy discussed in last week's portion Tazria, and continued in this weeks portion, was a physical, yet spiritual ailment, which came about due to the sin of gossip (Lashon Hara). After a process of Teshuvah (repentance) and soul searching, the afflicted person was to bring a special offering to the Bet Hamikdash (temple).
Later on in the Parshah, we discuss another category of Tzarat (leprosy), one that would afflict people's homes. What is strange is the juxtaposition of this type of Tzarat, as it is listed in an entirely different section, separated from all other forms of leprosy. Due to this juxtaposition, our sages derive a fundamental difference in types of leprosy.
The Sifra and Vayikra Rabbah (Midrashim on Leviticus) explain, that this type of leprosy is fundamentally different that the others. The "home leprosy" was not a negative thing, but rather, a positive one. When the Jews entered the land of Canaan, many of the inhabitants hid their wealth in their homes. Hashem therefore sent this Tzarat, and as the beams and plaster of the homes were removed, the treasures were found. Other commentators like the Rambam (Spain 1138-1204) disagree and see it as a negative thing, but different in structure, as it afflicts a persons home, not their body. In the opinion of these commentaries, Tzarat would first visit a person's home as a superficial warning, then their clothing, and only then their own body, if they did not repent.
It is fascinating to observe that our commentators not only see a different lesson in this matter, but actually view the "home leprosy", as counterpoints.
So often, our experiences in life share this common dichotomy. What we view as a negative event, can in hindsight become the catalyst for growth and positivity. Today, we see things from one perspective, tomorrow from another. What we think was a blessing today, can in fact turn out to be challenging in the future. Take for example, that according to the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, nearly a third of lottery winners declare bankruptcy-meaning they were worse off than before becoming rich! The "blessing" of winning the lottery was not necessarily a blessing after all.
Perhaps the lesson to be learned from this is, that it is ok to look at our life's events from both perspectives. It is ok to feel and process something and see it as a negative in its current state, yet leave the door open for a positive outcome in the future. Similarly, we can view what seems as a positive, and be guarded about it, as we don't know what the end result is. As our sages advise us to pray for "open and revealed good" and that "Hashem bless us with what He knows we truly need."
When our children experience something difficult or upsetting, even if we don't see it the way they do, we must validate their feelings and understand what they are feeling at the moment. But we must also plant the seeds for a deeper realization and awareness of this same episode in the future. What is negative today will not necessarily be completely negative tomorrow.
With blessings for a Shabbat Shalom and peace in the world.
Rabbi Y. Marrus
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