Blessings Galore
This week's Torah portion of Ki Tavo is most well known for the Tochecha - the verses of admonition. These frightful verses of admonition or curses, are read twice yearly, prior to Rosh Hashanah and prior to Shavuot. The theme of this reading is, what will happen if we do not listen to Hashem's commandments and turn our backs on His holy Torah. Unfortunately, history has shown that we have endured these many negative challenges throughout our history (see Ramban's explanation of the Tochecha).
Just prior to the Tochecha however, there are a number of moving and beautiful verses describing the amazing blessings we will receive if we do follow Hashem's word and commandments. The Torah states (Devarim 28:2) "ובאו עליך כל הברכות האלא והשיגך - All these blessings will come upon you and overtake you".
The simple meaning of this verse is, that the blessings will be so great that they will overwhelm us. According to the Seforno (Italy 1470-1550), even when we make no effort to receive these blessings or it defies logic, these amazing blessings will continue to be showered upon us. The Ohr HaChaim Hakadosh (Morocco/Israel 1696-1743) explains that even if the Heavenly Court may protest these extravagant blessings as the Jewish people may not be entirely worthy, nonetheless, nothing will prevent these blessings from coming to fruition.
Perhaps, there is an added message in these words "והשיגך - will come over you and overtake you".
Often, we are so busy with life and all its stresses that we simply are not able to focus on all the blessings we already have. We are so focused on what we don't have that we don't take the time to be grateful and celebrate all that G-d has graced us with. The lesson here is, that Hashem will not only bless us, but give us the clarity and spiritual maturity to be grateful and celebrate all the incredible blessings already in our lives.
A story is told of Rabbi Dovber Schneuri of Lubavitch (Russia 1773-1827) in his youth. On one occasion, he fainted when he heard the verse of the Tochecha (in this week's parshah) and remained ill for weeks. The harsh words were too much for his delicate and sensitive soul. When asked why he had not reacted so strongly to the Tochecha in the past, he replied: “In the past I heard the reading from my father. And when my father reads them, I hear only blessings…”
According to the Kabbalah the greatest blessinsg are hidden within these verses of the Tochecha. If there are great blessings in what outwardly seems so negative, how much more so there are incredible blessings in every aspect of our lives. We just need to discern and celebrate them.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Y. Marrus
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