Parshat Shoftim
In this week's Torah portion we read a plethora of different Mitzvot ranging from false prophets to unsolved murder cases. The overall arching theme of the Parshah is the establishment of a judicial system and the responsibility that the leaders of the community carry.
In our portion the Torah states (Devarim 20:19-20) When you besiege a city for many days to wage war against to seize it, do not destroy its trees by swinging an axe against them, for from it you will eat, and you shall not cut it down; is the tree of the field a man that it should enter the siege before you? Only a tree that you know is not a food tree, it you may destroy and cut down".
This commandment is known by its Hebrew term Bal Tashchit, which means wasting or destroying. In the midst of a chapter dealing with the laws of war, the Torah tells us about being careful not to destroy fruit trees, or unnecessarily break or destroy things around us. It is essentially teaching us that even in the fog war, we must do everything in our power to maintain our dignity and humanity and be sensitive even to vegetation, how much more so human life. The Maharal (Rabbi Yehuda Loew of Prague 1520-1609) further explains that just as trees grow branches and fruit, so too, we as human beings, must grow and be productive in our moral, intellectual and spiritual path in life.
This Mitzvah is expanded to include non wartime as well, and we are enjoined to not waste food, destroy property, tear or ruin clothing etc.
Perhaps, we can see in this Mitzvah another dimension as well. Often, teachers and parents have a vision of what they want their child or student to accomplish. We have a set of expectations, goals and even a plan for our children. The problem is that sometimes these expectations or goals are not only unrealistic but downright harmful. As our children grow we become aware of their own positive and negative personality traits, idiosyncrasies, trigger points, and challenges. We also become aware of their G-d given gifts and abilities which may range from art, music, athletics to a brilliant Talmudic-legal mind.
Bal Tashchit is not just about wasting resources or destroying property. It is also about not celebrating the gifts that G-d has given us and our children. Every human being is unique and blessed with individual talents and capabilities. Sometimes, we need to pivot and shift our expectations and goals and make sure that they are embracing and celebrating the personality and G-d given talents of any particular child or human being. There is a beautiful saying attributed to Rabbi Zush of Anipoli (1718-1800 Ukraine) "After 120 when I come up to Hashem, I am not worried if I will be asked, why weren't you like Moses or Solomon because I will respond I wasn't created like them with their talents and capabilities. But what I am afraid about is when they will ask me why weren't you like all Zushe could have been".
Let us celebrate the uniqueness, talents and beauty of each and every one of our children and not fall prey to the sin of Bal Tashchit of Wasted Talents.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Y. Marrus
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