Thursday, September 2, 2021

This Too Shall Pass - Netzavim-Rosh Hashanah

This Too Shall Pass
Parshas Netzavim-Rosh Hashanah

This week's Parshah opens with the words "אתם נצבים היום כולכם - Atem Netzavim Hayom Kulchem-You all stand here today" (Devarim 29:9). The Jewish people had gathered to listen to Moshe's last words and blessings and renew the Covenant with G-d..

Our sages tell us that the word Hayom in our verse is a reference to Rosh Hashanah, as our liturgy tells us "Hayom Haras Olam-today is the creation of man" (Rosh Hashanah Prayers). It is for this reason that the portion of Netzavim is always read in close proximity to Rosh Hashanah.

Of all the traditions of this holiday, the most important is the Shofar, as our sages tell us Mitzvas Hayom B'Shofar - the Mitzvah of the day is the Shofar. We are enjoined to listen to the sounds of the Shofar as we coronate Hashem as king over the universe, yet once again.

The sages in the Mishnah and Talmud tell us that the minimum size of a Shofar must be able to be held in the hand and a bit must protrude on the narrow end, and a bit must also protrude on the wide end. The narrow end represents constraints and difficulty, while the wide end represents expansiveness and openness, as the verse states (Tehhilim 118:5) Min Hameitzar Karasi Ya-h - from the straits I call out unto G-d".

The Ben Ish Chai (1835-1909 Baghdad, Iraq) explains, that the Shofar must protrude on both sides so we can always remember that when we are in a time of constraints (the narrow end), good times are yet to come. Conversely, when we are in times of expansiveness and goodness, we should not forget the difficult times and remain humble and grateful. 

Similarly, the sounds of the Shofar include the Tekiah (long blast), Shevarim (three shorter blasts), and the Teruahin (nine even shorter blasts). The Tekiah is associated with strength and positivity while the Shevarim and Teruah are associated with brokenness and sadness. When blowing the Shofar the
must always be separate from the Shevarim and Teruah, as one represents happiness and expansiveness and the other sadness and constraints. While the different sounds of the Shofar seem so diametrically opposed to each other, they actually compliment each other in a beautiful way. 

The Ben Ish Chai further explains this beautifully by means of a story. A man once had a ring made specially for him. On the ring he had inscribed the words "this too shall pass". If he were in trouble and pain, he would look at his ring and remember that good times would be around the corner. When he was in a state of happiness and jubilation, he would look at his ring and remember to be humble and grateful for what he had, as it could all be gone in a moment. The ring reminded him to put everything into perspective and live a humble and G-d fearing life.

The dual message of the Shofar (both the length and sounds) is about humility and perspective. We listen to the shofar, like the man that looked at the ring and remind ourselves "This too Shall pass". We remind ourselves to be grateful for our blessings and stay humble. And when times are difficult, we remind ourselves that tomorrow will be better.

May Hashem bless us all with a Ksiva Vchasima Tova- a happy, healthy and sweet new year with only revealed blessings and goodness.

Rabbi Y. Marrus

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