Platinum Status
Parshat Re'eh
Every traveler knows the routine for boarding a plane. First come the Platinum Members (or their equivalent) and then the rest. These "special travelers" get to board the plane first, sit in first class, have special other perks and more. Like it or not, they represent the wealthy, elite and privileged.
This week we read the Torah portion of Re'eh. Among the many laws and commandments in this portion are the laws of Kashrut (dietary laws) and laws of how we are to treat our own person (body). The fourth Aliya (section) of our Parshah begins with the words "בנים אתם לה' אלקיכם - You are children to Hashem your G-d" (Devarim 14:1).
The simple understanding of this verse is that all these laws mentioned in our portion are seen as a lift-me-up, positive experience, as opposed to things that we are not allowed to do, essentially a negative experience. The idea is that our relationship with these commandments should come from a place of love and a sense of being part of royalty. G-d asks of us, as His children, to behave in a certain manner, reflecting His holiness and royalty. If you are going to fly first class, then look and behave the part.
Similarly, when one believes in the infinite soul and its ability to rise far beyond the physical realm, they can appreciate that death and loss is not the sum total of the person's life, as they really do live on for eternity. This then leads to measured grief and sadness at the difficult and challenging moments in our lives (Ramban/Seforno). If you are going to be part of the elite, then your appearance and mannerism should reflect sophistication.
Parenting is not an easy job. It does not come with an operations manual or a perfect strategy. Often, we struggle to relate to our child's unique personality and set of realities. Very often, we have an image or expectation of what should or should not be done, often predicated on our own childhood and experiences. As is certainly bound to happen, our children will test our patience and boundaries. They will want to do things their own way and try those things we know are harmful to their well being.
What do we do? How do we inspire them to be the best they can be?
This week's Torah portion offers some beautiful and practical advice on the subject. Moshe does not reprimand us into keeping kosher or hollers at us for wanting to try abominable things. Rather, he lifts us up with the statement "You are children To Hashem your G-d, - For you are a holy people to Hashem, your G-d, and Hashem has chosen you for Himself to be a treasured people" (Devarim 14:1-2). Moshe seeks to inspire and uplift, recognizing that self-worth and a healthy religious experience is infinitely more powerful than a negative and condescending one.
What an empowering and uplifting lesson! Inspire and lift up. Praise and compliment. Of course, there is a time and place for rebuke and measured words, but by in large, our message should be one of love and praise, which leads to healthy spiritual growth and longevity.
Shabbat Shalom,
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