Parshat Va'etchanan
This week's Torah portion of Va'etchanan continues the narrative of Moses. He describes how he prayed and pleaded with G-d Almighty to forgive him and allow him to enter the land of Israel. Alas, Hashem decided that it was not meant to be and Moshe Rabbeinu would pass away before entering the holy land. Moshe's sin of hitting the rock instead of speaking to the rock (Parshat Chukat) had lasting and severe consequences.
Our sages tell us (Midrash Devarim Rabba) that Moshe beseeches and G-d 515 different times to allow him to enter Eretz Yisrael. We derive this from the fact that the verse (Deuteronomy 3:23) states: "I pleaded (ואתחנן) with HaShem", and ואתחנן has the numerical value (gematria) of 515. It was just not meant to be. G-d had decided no.
This teaching leaves us with a profound question, what happened to all of Moshe's tears and prayers? Were they a waste of time? For that matter, what happens to us when we pray for something and it is not realized? Are we wasting our time and energy?
The portion of Va'etchanan is read the Shabbat after Tisha B'Av (the day of mourning commemorating the destruction of the two temples in Jerusalem). As the destruction of the Bet Hamikdash is seen as the source for all tragedies and future exiles that we have endured, it begs understanding. We prayed and cried asking for a reprieve and salvation, did we waste our time and energy?
This week's Haftarah begins with the words of the prophet "Nachamu, Nachamu Ami-be consoled, be consoled my people" (Isaiah 40). Hashem is comforting the Jewish people after the terrible destruction. Our sages explain that comfort takes on different meanings and differing feelings. When someone G-d forbid experiences a tragedy or loss, there is not much anyone can do to change that reality. The act of comforting, is one of empathy, kindness, and letting the person know that you are with them in their time of struggle and hardship. That is the first level of Nachamu-being comforted. The second level of Nachamu is when we can grasp the reason or make some sense of a difficult situation. In this week's Haftarah, Hashem promises to bring us both levels of comfort.
When we pray and cry out to Hashem for something, we recognize that we can only ask for what we, in our limited understanding, think is the best. Yet, we must also recognize that G-d's plan is beyond our understanding or ability to comprehend. Our job is to pray and request the best, based on our understanding as human beings. The rest we leave up to G-d. Every prayer and tear, every experience we have, shapes us into who we are. The prayers we offer and the conversations we have with G-d help us become who we need to be. Only G-d knows what journey lies ahead for each and every one of us, and what we are supposed to accomplish on this earth.
So no, the prayers and tears are not wasted. G-d does hear our prayers, but sometimes the things we want are not meant to be. But each experience we have, each prayer we offer, each tear we shed, helps us mature and become the best versions of us.
May we only see revealed good and blessings in our lives.
Shabbat Shalom.
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