Parshat Tazria-Metzora
This week's double portion of Tazria-Metzora is primarily dedicated to the laws of Tzaraat (Leprosy). In ancient times, a person would sometimes be afflicted with Tzaraat either on their person, clothing or home. This malady was not a "physical medical malady", but rather a spiritual malady, that was meant to awaken the afflicted to change his/her behavior.
Our rabbis teach that the Tzaraat came primarily as a result of the sin of Loshon Hara, Motzie Shem Ra and Rechilut (speaking evil of others and gossip). The purpose of this skin ailment was to get the attention of the perpetrator and have them go through a process of self-introspection, quarantine-solitude, prayer and mend their ways.
Rabbi Yisrael Meir Hakaohen Kagan also known as the Chofetz Chaim (1838-1933 Belarus) famously wrote the Shmiras Halashon - a book on the laws of being careful with our speech. This book is based on the verse in Psalms (34:12-15) "Guard your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceitfully. Shun evil and do good, seek peace and pursue it." The essential idea in his magnus opus is, that we must do everything in our power to be mindful of our speech and stay away from speaking badly about others. We must actively guard ourselves from this terrible trait.
The Talmud (Archin 15b) says "Loshon Hara "kills" three people; the subject-person, the speaker and the listener".
The explanation is (1) the one who is spoken about, because his reputation is ruined (2) the one who speaks Loshon Hara, because he transgresses and lowers himself spiritually (3) the one who listens to the Loshon Hara, because he is providing the speaker with the opportunity to transgress. In other words, the onus of responsibility lies not only with the "Speaker" but also with the bystanders who listen and give him/her the opportunity to spread the gossip.
In recent years, much focus has been dedicated to the sad and unacceptable act of Bullying. It is not okay in any format and we must work together to protect children and adults alike from its dangerous and destructive force. While we will never be able to control what everyone may or may not say, we can educate our children and students to not participate in Bullying in any shape or form.
The lesson derived from our Parshah is clear; the "Listener" also gets "killed" by listening and enabling the bad behavior to continue. For when there is no one participating or listening, the evil doer/Bully will cease to do so. To requote the Talmud "Bullying "kills" three people; the Bullied, Bully and the Bystander".
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Y. Marrus
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