Parshat Acharei Mot-Kedoshim
This week's portion of Kedoshim begins with a command to be holy. More precisely, the Torah says"קדושים תהיו כי קדוש אני ה' אלוקיכם - You shall be holy, for holy am I, Hashem your G-d".
This commandment to be holy is a bit strange, as normally, being or becoming holy is something that happens over time, not an act or way of being. You can't really command someone to "become holy".
Rashi (France 1040-1105) explains that this command is related to specific behaviors and actions, as thus, we are commanded to stay away from these specific behaviors and act in a Holy manner.
Ramban-Nachmanides (Spain/Israel 1194-1270) explains that it is not related to any one area, but rather, being holy is related to doing things in moderation, even for those things that are permitted. He quotes the Talmud (Yevamos 20a) "One should refrain not only from what is expressly forbidden, but from too much of what is permitted".
The word in קדש - Kodesh (holy) also means separate or sanctified. For example; when two people marry, the ceremony is called Kiddushin. They are now separated from all others, and bound to each other. The union is sanctified according to "the the law of Moshe and Yisrael". When we recite the Kiddush (blessing over the wine), we both sanctify and separate the Shabbat from the other days of the week. Finally, when the Torah wishes to describe a woman of ill repute, she is called a Kedasha, as she is known (separated out) for the acts she engages in and is the opposite of sanctified.
But the word Kodesh can also mean different.
One of the most challenging areas of parenting and education is recognizing that each child/student is different. Even within one family, siblings may be very different from each other. When we lump siblings and/or students together we end up short-changing them all. Being different or unique is not a bad thing. Rather, Hashem created each and every one of us in His image, but we all have our unique physiological makeup and innate character traits. There really are different strokes for different folks. These ought to be celebrated, not scorned.
Perhaps the Torah is telling us to celebrate our children's uniqueness and differences. Perhaps, being holy is not trying to be someone else, but recognizing who WE are and actualizing the very best inside us.
Shabbat Shalom.
Rabbi Y. Marrus
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