Friday, April 9, 2021

Highs & Lows-Shemini

Highs & Lows
Parshat Shemini

Our Parshah opens with the words "ויהי ביום השמיני - And it was on the 8th day". This portion is discussing the dedication of the Mishkan (sanctuary in the wilderness) and its related services and offerings. It was on this special day that Aharon Ha'Kohen began his tenure as the High Priest of the Mishkan.

To explain a bit more in depth, we must understand the build up to this special moment. In the previous portion of Tzav, the Torah describes in great detail how Moshe was the acting Kohen Gadol (high priest) for the first seven days of the inauguration, performing all the service and instructing Aaron and his children how things should be done. It was on this 8th day that Moshe turned over the entire priesthood to Aharon, and never again entered the holy of holies.

Our commentaries explain that this was a difficult day for Moshe personally, as he had to step down from acting as a Kohen Gadol, and relinquish this coveted honor. Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks Z"L explains that this struggle and personal turmoil is connoted by the Shalshelet (cantillation mark) on the word Vayishchat (Tzav: Leviticus 8:23).

As we just celebrated the Pesach holiday, I believe there is an important message for us all.

One of the greatest challenges of the Chagim is always the day after, what I call "the after Chag Low". The build up to the Chag is intense. It is a serious "High". The preparation, expenses, effort and excitement often leaves us drained and feeling rather low when it is all over. We enjoy hosting meals, seeing family and much more. And when the holiday is over, we feel... perhaps a bit glad that the intensity is over, but also sad at the mundane reality of everyday life. The challenge is to take the inspiration of the holiday and bring it into our every-day lives. This is the Avoda (personal transformation ) of these days known as Sefirat Ha'Omer-the days of counting the Omer.

Moshe is the ultimate model of this behavior. Notwithstanding his personal disappointment and "Low" of not being the Kohen Gadol any longer, he exudes confidence, holiness, love and inspires the Jewish people as they celebrate the dedication of the Mishkan. So too, as we exit the holiday season of Pesach and enter in the relative calm of the summer months, we must take the spiritual lessons of Geulat Mitzrayim (redemption from Egypt) and recognize that our service to Hashem is not only when we have our high moments, but perhaps even more so when we are in our low moments. 

May we all be blessed with an inspired and spiritually meaningful days of the Omer.

Shabbat Shalom

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