Actions Louder Than Words
Parshat Emor
This week's Torah portion is called Emor. It is a portion that is chock-full of the laws and rituals related to the Kohanim (family of priests, descendants of Aaron the High Priest). These laws range from who a Kohen may marry to the well known Mitzvah of a Kohen not entering a cemetery.
The opening verse begins (Vayikra: CH 21:1) אמר אל הכהנים בני אהרון ואמרת אלהם - Speak to the Kohanim the sons of Aaron and say to them".
The commentaries wonder why the double emphasis in the verse; "Speak" and then again "say" to them?
The Ibn Ezra (1089-1167 Spain) explains that the first statement is related to the Kohanim, as teachers of Torah to relate all the previous commandments (Parshat Kedoshim), the second statement is related to the specific commandments of the Kohanim.
The Ramban (1194-1270 Spain) explains that the double language is meant to emphasis the importance of these laws. Since most people are not required to abide by them, therefore, it is emphasized for the Kohanim, who are held to a higher standard. They are therefore to be extremely careful in this regard.
The Talmud (Yevamos 114a) in discussing the laws of ritual purity and how it relates to children states, that this statement (in our portion) is cautioning parents to teach their children the laws of ritual purity and that they must be careful not to allow their children to become ritually unclean. The elders bear the responsibility of the young.
Rabbi Moshe Feinstein (1896-1986 Belarus/United States) explains beautifully, that this is teaching us to regulate our own behavior and model good behavior for our children. For when we model the proper, moral and ethical behavior that the Torah teaches us, it will speak for itself to our children. The mid-19th century essayist and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson quipped "What you do speaks so loud, I can't hear what you say".
Indeed, modeling proper behavior will always be more powerful than a thousand lectures.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Y. Marrus