Parshat Korach
This week's Torah portion discusses the uprising and rebellion against Moshe Rabbeinu's leadership by a well-known and influential individual named Korach.
Korach was a well respected Levite and a first cousin of Moshe's. He was a very smart and learned person (Pikach), and also a very wealthy individual. The sages in the Talmud (Pesachim 119a) tell us that Korach was of the three wealthiest people ever to live. The heart of Korach's argument was the age-old accusation of nepotism. He accused Moshe of taking all the leadership and power for himself and his brother Aharon (the high priest). He also suggested that as all Jews heard the Ten Commandments directly from G-d at Sinai, there was no need for rabbis or leadership, as all Jews were essentially the same. Korach believed in the power of the individual, though like communism, he wanted to be a bit higher up "of all the same people".
Korach's end was downright frightful as the Torah tells us "The earth opened its mouth and swallowed them and their households, and all the people who were with them, and all their wealth" (Bamidbar 15:32). Korach was following his own thought and logic, while Moshe was doing what he had been commanded by G-d.
This enigmatic story leaves much to the imagination, as well as some fundamental questions. Firstly, how could such a well-respected, learned and powerful person make such a terrible mistake? Secondly, didn't Korach have a point after all? We are a holy people and we all have a direct connection to G-d, why the need for a hierarchy?
The Individual vs Communal
Judaism does not suggest that we need to be a 100% "individual centered" society or a 100% "communal driven" society. Rather, it is a blend and balance of both. There must be the individual (Yachid) and the power of individuality, balanced by the needs of the community and communal responsibility (Klal). We must have a system of checks and balances and teachers and leaders, but we most also not forget the power of the individual.
This was Korach's first mistake. He believed that it was all about the individual, with no consideration, at all for the community or others. Unchecked capitalism with no Chesed or compassion, is the way of Sedom.
Korach however made another huge mistake. He was not happy with his lot. He was extremely wealthy. He was learned. He had a good education. He had a beautiful family and his children were powerful and respected. He was Levite of the highest order and served in the Mishkan, yet he could not be happy because he wanted more. He wanted that which he could not have. This brought about his downfall.
Ben Zoma tells us "Eizehu Ashir Hamesameach Bechelko-Who is rich? he who is happy with his lot" (Avot: 4:1). In other words, the key to happiness and fulfillment, is being happy and content with blessings Hashem has given us.
To often, we not only focus, but become completely fixated on that which we do not have. We become completely engrossed by our children's faults and failures, instead of focusing on all the blessings and goodness. We become like Korach, not happy with all the wealth in the world, not happy with all the honor, not happy with a beautiful family. All we can see is that which we don't have.
This week we marked the 29th Yahrtzeit of my dear Rebbe, teacher and mentor, the Lubavitcher Rebbe of blessed memory. Perhaps more than anything else, the Rebbe always pushed, encouraged everyone he met, (Jew and non-Jew, adult and child) to live a more wholesome and G-d driven life. The Rebbe challenged each of us to see the good in ourselves and others, even when so many others see only bad.
The Rebbe inspired and continues to inspire millions because he made you feel that while you "the Yachid" were an individual and had a specific task to complete, you were part of the "the Klal" - the glorious nation of Israel. Often, the Rebbe would remind us all how lucky we are and how grateful we ought to be for the tremendous blessings with which Hashem has blessed us.
If you want to be happy, don't be like Korach. Celebrate your blessings.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Y. Marrus
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