Parshat Bo
In this week's Torah portion we experience the final plagues and the actual Exodus from Egypt. As we have discussed in previous weeks, Pharaoh remains indignant and refuses to heed G-d's command. Pharaoh's behavior leaves us wondering WHY is he so stubborn? Doesn't he realize how he is essentially digging his own grave? Why won't he just give in? Of course, we know that while Pharaoh hardened his heart for the first five plagues, it was Hashem that hardened his heart during the last five. This was a punishment to Pharaoh, to have a taste of his own medicine, i.e., get what was coming to him.
But let's try to get inside Pharaoh's head for a minute. He did after all have legitimate reasons for not wanting to let the Jewish people go. They were a massive part of his economy, providing free labor to his kingdom. Additionally, as a king that had a healthy dose of pride, he didn't want to be viewed as a pushover or a weak ruler. And finally, just because times get tough and challenging should he really throw in the towel? Is that what strong leaders and kings do?
In Jewish Mysticism and Chassidic Philosophy there is a great deal of talk about the G-dly attributes called the Sefirot. One of these Sefirot is Netzach, which means Endurance or Victory. This attribute manifests itself in the human being as the desire to be successful, win, and be victorious over our enemies and challengers. In fact, the greater the individual, the greater the potential, the more this Middah (character trait) becomes activated. As we see in every day life, successful people have a very healthy dose of personal ambition and drive. That is a natural and G-d ordained phenomenon, not necessarily a bad thing.
The real philosophical question in life is, what is the proper balance between being extremely motivated and the desire to win, and the need to make room for others and sometimes stand down? By the same token, being a pushover and not standing up to challenge is also detrimental to our overall development and lives.
The answer lies in the first words of our Parshah "And Hashem spoke to Moshe saying Bo El Paraoh"" (Exodus 10:1). The Hebrew words "Bo El Paroh" do not mean "Go to Pharaoh" but "Come to Pharaoh". According to our commentaries, G-d was telling Moshe "I will go with you and stand at your side". The message to Moshe was that Hashem would be at his side, helping him, encouraging him, supporting him, and making his mission a success. It is our connection to Hashem, that gives us our morality and direction in life.
As we parent our own children, we are sometimes faced with similar challenges. How do we balance healthy personalities and sense of self with not being overly pushy, gregarious and making room to listen to others and sometimes recognize that we are in the wrong and need to change our behavior?
The Torah perhaps is telling us, that when you are connected to a higher source, and you regularly self-check your attitudes and ambitions against what Hashem has to say, you will stay balanced. This is the reason why having a Torah/Spiritual mentor is so important. It is not because we are weak, but rather, because unchecked Netzach (sense of Endurance and Victory) is a very powerful force and can be used for extreme goodness, or G-d forbid the opposite.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Y. Marrus
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