Thursday, January 7, 2021

Heroic Nourishment - Shemot

Heroic Nourishment
Parshat Shemot

The new book of Shemot-Exodus begins with the story of servitude and pain in Egypt. We are introduced to Pharaoh's cruel edicts with his decree on baby boys. The Torah states (Exodus 1:16) "When you deliver the Hebrew women and you see on the birthstool; if it is a son, you are to kill him, and if it is a daughter, she shall live". The Hebrew midwives Shifra (Yocheved) and Puah (Miriam) risked their lives and disobeyed Pharaoh's command (Exodus 1:17) "But the midwives feared Hashem and they did not do as the king of Egypt spoke to them, and they caused the boys to live".

The bravery of these two women saved countless lives. But there is more to the story. They didn't just allow the boys to live. The Talmud (Sotah 11b) explains that not only did they save the boys from infanticide but they actively helped the mothers and provided nourishment, support and whatever was needed to help these children grow into healthy children. According to the Midrash, it was these children that grew up to be righteous and were the ones that exclaimed "This is my G-d" at the Kriat Yam Suf-Splitting of the Sea. In other words, the midwives ensured a proper and healthy environment for these children to grow into functional, healthy and spiritually sensitive adults. 

Conversely, when Pharaoh told the midwives to "allow the daughters to live" he had a more sinister plan in mind explains the Lubavitcher Rebbe (1902-1994 Russia/US). His intention was to have the Jewish girls assimilate and be raised as Egyptians. This was in a certain sense even worse than physical death!

We learn an important lesson in education and parenting form this story. The responsibility of parents and educators is not just to teach subjects, do well academically, or make sure that kids don't kill each other. It is about educating, raising and providing the proper environment and support for a child to grow into a functional, healthy and spiritual adult. It is a "whole child, SOUL" education. 

The environment and support for the values we want our children to grow up with is just as important and maybe even more important than the textual studies provided. The heroic midwives risked their lives for this, standing up to the most powerful man in the world.

Just like Shifra and Puah, our heroines of Egypt, we must be ready to do everything necessary to ensure and even sacrifice "so that our children will live". This is why we invest so much time, money and effort into creating Jewish environments and schools for our children. It is not enough for our children to survive, we want them to thrive.

Shabbat Shalom

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