Thursday, April 2, 2015

Seder Steps for Your Life

 The 14 steps of the Seder
Bringing Spirituality and Positivity into your life

We are all familiar with the Step of the Passover Seder. These 14-15 steps as organized by our rabbis help us fulfill all of the different Mitzvot and Minhagim (customs) of the Seder. But these steps of the Seder can also be a spiritual journey for each and every one of us. As Kabblah tells us that each and every one of us has to leave their very own personal exile (Mitzrayim) and grow spiritually through the Pesach experience. 

1. Kadesh - bring "sanctity" into your life
2. Urchatz - "wash" away negativity
3. Karpas - "immerse" yourself in your present experiences
4. Yachatz - "break" away from your bad habits
5. Magid - dont be afraid to "communicate" your feelings
6. Rachtza - "wash" away pessimism
7. Motzie-Matzah - take pride in your "faith"
8. Marror - understand that "challenges" are in actuality stepping stones for growth
9. Korech- "sandwich" yourself around good and upbeat people
10. Shulchan Orech - "Set" you mind for growth and success
11. Tzafun - be "humble", do things without fanfare
12. Barech - "bless" G-d often, and thank Him for your blessings
13. Hallel - "sing" a joyous song every single day
14. Nirtzah - "Accept" others and don't be judgmental

May we find success in riding ourselves of all our spiritual Chametz, and bring growth and spirituality into our lives.

Chag Pesach Kosher V'sameach!

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