Friday, April 17, 2015

Beyond Never Again - Shemini

Beyond Never Again
Parshat Shemini

Every Jew, the world over feels strongly about the Holocaust. From infancy, the words "Never Again" have been drilled into our psyches. We have made posters, demonstrated and proudly carried the torch for 70 years. Never Again! We will not stand idly by and watch our people, religion and land be eradicated as was done in the Shoah.

This week's portion of Shemini recounts the inauguration of the Mishkan-sanctuary in the wilderness. The entire celebration took eight days. The first seven days were a preparation of sorts, with Moshe leading the services, preforming the sacrificial rites and Aaron looking on. But on the 8th day (Bayom Ha'Shmini) it was Aaron the High Priest that took over the role of leading the service. From that day onward, only the Kohanim (priests of Aaron's family) would serve in the Temple.

Easily studied about. Probably very difficult for Moshe to give up this honor and take a back seat in the service to Hashem. But it was time for a change. The wise king Solomon said "Lakol Zman-there is a time for everything". Every emotion and reaction has an expiration date on it. Every product sold on the internet will become "old stuff". The trick is to know exactly when to launch your product, slogan or initiative and then ride the waves of success.

Seventy years after the Holocaust, much has changed. While antisemitism seems to be alive and well, and sadly raising its head worldwide, the Jewish world has also changed, for the better. Yet, I believe that the focus today on "Never Again" is misplaced and past its prime. I would like to see a new slogan emerge for 21st century, Gen X and Y Jews. A rally cry to continue the Judaism that our ancestors sacrificed so much for. A passionate engagement to ensure not only a genocide and racism free tomorrow, but a bright, vibrant and engaged Jewish tomorrow. Marry Jewish. Observe Judaism. Keep the Torah and so much more. Judaism should become the MOST IMPORTANT THING on our agendas!

While we must continue to tell the world about the atrocities and those lost, "Never Again" does not secure a Jewish tomorrow. With assimilation growing at an ever increasing rate, we must do something.

Let us refocus on what it really means to be free and Jewish. It is not the freedom to do whatever we wish and adapt a pick and choose Judaism lunch menu, but rather, the freedom to follow our religion and G-d and see the destiny of the Jewish people continue. The ability to take three thousand years of Jewish history and proudly say, we are continuing Judaism for the next generation.

How about "Forever Jewish" for a new slogan?

Am Yisrael Chai!
Shabbat Shalom

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