Hindsight is... 0/0
Parshat Bo
Have you ever wanted to do something grand, but given up in the process? How about the desire to be more involved Jewishly, go more often to services, or attend a Torah class?
In this week's Torah portion of Bo, we read about the first Mitzvah given to the Jewish people. It was the commandment of Rosh Chodesh-the new month. Hashem commanded the Jews to keep the lunar calendar, based on the cycle of the moon, and to mark the birth of the new moon, every month, as Rosh Chodesh.
Although other Mitzvot had previously been given to individuals, and the family of Yakov, this was the first communal commandment. As such, it bears the distinction of being "the first Mitzvah of the Torah". Our sages tell us, that the Torah should have begun from this Mitzvah, for the Torah is a book of laws (not necessarily a history or story book) as this begins the true instruction of the Torah.
Which begs an explanation. What is it about this Mitzvah that is so special, that makes it numero uno?
While there are many vignettes and insights from our commentaries, I would like to offer another one. The word "Chodesh", month in Hebrew, also means "Chadash" which means "new". The Jewish people were to sanctify the month, as it renewed itself, in its new cycle.
Often, when we attempt to begin a new good thing, a Mitzvah, or a new chapter in our religious lives, we have the best of intentions, but then get bogged down by the reality of our situations. We then have the feeling of "I've never really done it until now, is it really that important"? Or perhaps we feel like a hypocrite, giving off the impression that we are more observant than we really are. Sometimes we compare our past failures and project them on our new possibilities.
In these circumstances, the past stifles our growth and we just can't seem to shake loose.
This precisely, is the beauty of the Mitzvah of Rosh Chodesh. Just as the moon renews itself, every month, regardless of what happened the previous month, so too, we must take a lesson.
Forget about the past. What was, was. The future has many possibilities and exciting promises. Renew yourself, often, and you will see how you will shine like the moon.
May HaShem watch over His people Israel, and all peace loving citizens of the world.
Shabbat Shalom
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