Fear Tactics
Parshat BeshalachHow often does G-d take our feelings into account when making His grand plans?
Very rarely, is the correct answer.
In this week's portion of Beshalach, we read how the Jewish people left Egypt and moved towards the Sea of Reeds. It is at this special place that our ancestors witnessed the most magical of miracles, the splitting the sea. The Jewish people, in everlasting gratitude, sang the "Shirat Ha'Yam-the Song of the Sea". We continue to recite this song, "Az Yashir", every single morning in our prayers.
Upon further reflection at the opening verses of our portion, we read a seemingly strange account of the journey of the Jewish people. While they could have gone directly from Egypt to the land of Israel, G-d chose to take them on a more circuitous route, to the east, in a round about fashion. The reason? "lest the nation reconsider when they would see a war" (Shemot: 13:17)
A strange fear, considering the havoc G-d had wrought on Egypt with the plagues, just some time earlier. Additionally, in the very next verse we are told "they were armed" and they left Egypt "with an outstretched arm", indicating vigor, optimism and a sense of freedom!
Why then, did G-d not reassure them that things would be good, and lead them in a more direct route, as we see the Israelites challenging their enemies, head-on, in the book Joshua? Since when, does G-d take our "feelings" or insecurities into account?!
Perhaps we can learn a lesson about fear and education.
Kids have fears. Adults have hang-ups. Sometimes they make sense, other times they don't. Especially to others. We often want kids to do the right thing, get good grades, behave, make us proud, and the list goes on. However, kids have fears, hang-ups, worries and mental blocks too. Regardless of whether we appreciate the fears and mental blocks of others, they are very real for that individual. If we want to be successful at educating our children, maintaining relationships, and living in harmony with others, we must validate and accept the "issues" and "challenges" that our students, loved ones and acquaintances may have.
Education is not about the teacher, it's about the child. It's not about us. Good education is about empowering the child to grow and overcome their own "stuff", one step at a time.
If G-d took the time to consider our feelings, can't we make some room for others too?
Shabbat Shalom
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