Friday, January 30, 2015

Fear Tactics - Beshalach

Fear Tactics
Parshat Beshalach

How often does G-d take our feelings into account when making His grand plans?

Very rarely, is the correct answer.

In this week's portion of Beshalach, we read how the Jewish people left Egypt and moved towards the Sea of Reeds. It is at this special place that our ancestors witnessed the most magical of miracles, the splitting the sea. The Jewish people, in everlasting gratitude, sang the "Shirat Ha'Yam-the Song of the Sea". We continue to recite this song, "Az Yashir", every single morning in our prayers.

Upon further reflection at the opening verses of our portion, we read a seemingly strange account of the journey of the Jewish people. While they could have gone directly from Egypt to the land of Israel, G-d chose to take them on a more circuitous route, to the east, in a round about fashion. The reason? "lest the nation reconsider when they would see a war" (Shemot: 13:17)

A strange fear, considering the havoc G-d had wrought on Egypt with the plagues, just some time earlier. Additionally, in the very next verse we are told "they were armed" and they left Egypt "with an outstretched arm", indicating vigor, optimism and a sense of freedom!

Why then, did G-d not reassure them that things would be good, and lead them in a more direct route, as we see the Israelites challenging their enemies, head-on, in the book Joshua? Since when, does G-d take our "feelings" or insecurities into account?!

Perhaps we can learn a lesson about fear and education.

Kids have fears. Adults have hang-ups. Sometimes they make sense, other times they don't. Especially to others. We often want kids to do the right thing, get good grades, behave, make us proud, and the list goes on. However, kids have fears, hang-ups, worries and mental blocks too. Regardless of whether we appreciate the fears and mental blocks of others, they are very real for that individual. If we want to be successful at educating our children, maintaining relationships, and living in harmony with others, we must validate and accept the "issues" and "challenges" that our students, loved ones and acquaintances may have.

Education is not about the teacher, it's about the child. It's not about us. Good education is about empowering the child to grow and overcome their own "stuff", one step at a time.

If G-d took the time to consider our feelings, can't we make some room for others too?

Shabbat Shalom

Friday, January 23, 2015

Hindsite is 0/0 - Bo

Hindsight is... 0/0

Parshat Bo

Have you ever wanted to do something grand, but given up in the process? How about the desire to be more involved Jewishly, go more often to services, or attend a Torah class? 

In this week's Torah portion of Bo, we read about the first Mitzvah given to the Jewish people. It was the commandment of Rosh Chodesh-the new month. Hashem commanded the Jews to keep the lunar calendar, based on the cycle of the moon, and to mark the birth of the new moon, every month, as Rosh Chodesh.

Although other Mitzvot had previously been given to individuals, and the family of Yakov, this was the first communal commandment. As such, it bears the distinction of being "the first Mitzvah of the Torah". Our sages tell us, that the Torah should have begun from this Mitzvah, for the Torah is a book of laws (not necessarily a history or story book) as this begins the true instruction of the Torah.

Which begs an explanation. What is it about this Mitzvah that is so special, that makes it numero uno?

While there are many vignettes and insights from our commentaries, I would like to offer another one. The word "Chodesh", month in Hebrew, also means "Chadash" which means "new". The Jewish people were to sanctify the month, as it renewed itself, in its new cycle.

Often, when we attempt to begin a new good thing, a Mitzvah, or a new chapter in our religious lives, we have the best of intentions, but then get bogged down by the reality of our situations. We then have the feeling of "I've never really done it until now, is it really that important"? Or perhaps we feel like a hypocrite, giving off the impression that we are more observant than we really are. Sometimes we compare our past failures and project them on our new possibilities.

In these circumstances, the past stifles our growth and we just can't seem to shake loose.

This precisely, is the beauty of the Mitzvah of Rosh Chodesh. Just as the moon renews itself, every month, regardless of what happened the previous month, so too, we must take a lesson.

Forget about the past. What was, was. The future has many possibilities and exciting promises. Renew yourself, often, and you will see how you will shine like the moon.

May HaShem watch over His people Israel, and all peace loving citizens of the world.

Shabbat Shalom

Friday, January 16, 2015

Idols and Blessings - Vaera

Idols and Blessings
Parshat Va'Era

What is the difference between blood and water? They are both a liquid, necessary for all mammals to survive. Yet, they are very different and can be seen as polar opposites of each other.

In this week's Torah portion of Va'Era, we focus on the story of the servitude in Egypt, and the beginning of the respite, from the horrible apartheid of those days. The Torah relates how Moshe Rabbeinu (our teacher Moses), by the instruction of G-d, brought about the first seven plagues upon Pharaoh, his people, and the land of Egypt.

The first plague was Dam-blood.  Moshe was commanded to strike the Nile river, and all the waters of Egypt, and they would turn to blood. On the surface, this first plague makes logical sense. As the Egyptians worshiped (among many other Gods) the Nile Delta, as it was their source of water and nourishment, G-d wanted to strike first at their belief system. The Ibn Ezra explains, that being that the Nile was the source of the economy, it was chosen to be afflicted first. Other commentaries however, explain in great detail, that the purpose of the first three plagues in fact, was to prove to the Egyptians, that an Omnipresent G-d does in fact exist.

But perhaps, there is a deeper message as well.

Water is the symbol of life. Every living thing needs water. In the Torah, water is referred to as "Mayim Chayim-Living waters". Blood, on the other hand, is the symbol of death.

However, sometimes the opposite is true as well.  "Blood" is also referred to as the "life-line". Without blood in our body, we can't survive. The "blood" of a person is where their vitality and vigor comes from. Water can be the source of death as well.

The lesson we can derive from this is simple.  Blood can be a source of death or a source of life. The same applies to water. It all depends on what you do with it.

The message that Hashem wanted to send Pharaoh, and in truth, each and every one of us is, a message of accountability and conscience. "Be aware of what and how you use the physical things that I have created. Don't make Gods out of things that are meant to help you survive. Don't abuse a good thing either".

In other words, you can make an idol out of G-d blessings, and you can drown in the most pristine waters. Remember, it is all about HOW and WHY we use the things that A-lmighty G-d has given us.

Shabbat Shalom

Friday, January 9, 2015

Je suis Juif - A Lesson from Moses - Shemot

Je suis Juif - A Lesson from Moses
Parshat Shemot

The world watched in horror as cartoonists were murdered. The response was condemnation and demonstrations with pencils. A second shooting in Paris with more murder took place the following day. The response, more shock, disbelief and condemnations. The TV and news outlets of the world (barring a couple of brave organizations) while condemning the acts, also cower in fear and censor anything that might be seemed offensive to the terrorists.

As I write this column, another terrorist act, a hostage situation with murder is unfolding in a kosher supermarket just prior to Shabbat.

What is going on!? Do the 1930's ring a bell?

A lesson from Moses:
In this weeks portion of Shemot we have the famous encounter of the "Burning Bush". Moshe encounters G-d and is given the task of becoming the Jewish leader who would stand up to Pharaoh and say "let my people go"!

Upon closer examination of the story and the verses of the Torah, a fascinating picture emerges. Imagine the following scenario; you see a most wondrous miracle, meet the creator of the world, have a face to face discussion with the Almighty, and then when he asks something of you, you say NO?!

That's exactly what Moshe did. He politely declined the offer to become the leader. But G-d insisted. Moshe turned out to be the greatest leader and prophet ever to live on the face of the earth.

We are very much the same way in our own lives. Sometimes, we are faced with big things that we must do or are asked to do. We say no, or try to find a way out of it. Why me?  But in the end, we have to face our issues, do what we needs to be done, and with great effort and perseverance we usually do succeed, even beyond our wildness dreams.

The world we live in today has a big problem. It is called antisemitism. Sometimes, it is veiled as anti-Israel, BDS etc.! As a wise man said, when it looks like a horse, eats like a horse, and smells like a horse, only an idiot thinks its a cow!

It must be dealt with and it is not an easy job. It will require strength, conviction and the fortitude to go head to head with the beast. We can run and try to hide, but as we see, it's not working very well. While we hold pencils and hashtag "Je Suis Charlie" they take hostages and kill more.

We must stand up as citizens of the world, and specifically as Jews and realize that pacifism and "making peace" with those that want to kill us, only emboldens them more. Let's learn a lesson from Moshe. Once he accepted his mission and set out to do the impossible, he was successful with G-d's help.

We must stand up and do something!

May Hashem continue to watch over His people Israel, and over all peace loving citizens of the world.

Shabbat Shalom

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Jewish Continuity... In Egypt - Vayechi

Jewish Continuity... In Egypt
Parshat Vayechi

"Vayechi Yakov Be'Eretz Mitzrayim-And Jacob lived in the land of Egypt seventeen years". 

Thus, begins our Torah portion of Vayechi and the final chapters of our forefather Yakov's life. Of course, we are familiar with the fact that Yakov had arrived in Egypt due to the famine and his son Yosef's ability to take care of everyone, as he was viceroy to Pharaoh.

The Bal Ha'Turim (Rabbi Yaakov ben Raash ,1269-1343*) explains, that just as the word "Tov-Good" in Hebrew has the numerical value of 17 (Tet=9, Vov=6, Bet=2) so too, Yakov lived his "Tov-best" years in Egypt.

Other sages struggle with this explanation. How can it be that our forefather Yakov lived his"best" years in Egypt? What about the sanctity of Eretz Yisrael-land of Israel? What about the years with his parents Yitzchak & Rivkah and grandparents Avraham and Sarah? How could living in the most morally decrepit country and society of that time, be his most pleasurable and enjoyable time?

The simple answer is, that Yakov was finally surrounded by all his family, and that made life precious. 

My wife and I have been asked why we sent our children away to Yeshiva (Jewish High School). I must admit, it is one of the most difficult things we have done. We did not enjoy taking ur kids to the airport after their brief visits home. We wanted them home, with us, and not "just a phone call away". We were disturbed that they had to leave home at such a tender age. Yet, we were also amazed by the resilience of our wonderful children and so many other young kids who leave their home to study Torah. I continue to be awed and inspired by their understanding and depth of priorities. And yet, it is something far more difficult for them, than what we as parents go through. 

When our kids are home, life is truly wonderful! So why? Why the huge expenses? Why the heartache and worry? Why the distance and sending kids away at such a young age? Isn't it a bit extreme? Can't they go to study some Judaic studies after high school or college? 

The answer lies in another explanation of why Yakov lived the best years of his life Egypt

What is the purpose of life? Fame and success? Jews have lived on every continent and in every city and country imaginable. We have flourished and sometimes been persecuted. We have lived and died. But most importantly, we have passed on the Tradition and resolve, to have Judaism continue. Tevye from Fiddler on the Roof may have been a simple man, but he understood that as time changes and life moves on, so does the desire to assimilate and to leave old traditions behind. Our children are the key!

It is in our children and grandchildren, precisely, where we must put in our utmost focus and energy, making sure that they carry the torch of Yiddishkeit forward. Jewish education does not begin in college or in high school. It does not end after Pre-School or Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Chinuch (education) begins at birth and continues to expand and take on new dimensions, for a lifetime. The school years of a child however, are the most critical to this endeavor. They are the arena where we must battle for our survival. Arguably, once a child has completed their formative school years, the ship has left the dock.

When Yakov saw his children and grandchildren continuing the tradition and living as Jews, even in Egypt, it was truly "Tov", the best years of his life. He knew, with certainty, that he had succeed in building something far greater than himself and his limited reach. He had insured the future of Klal Yisrael-the Jewish people.

Each time I dropped off our children at the airport after another short visit, I swallowed the lump in my throat, and blessed them "May G-d make you life Ephraim & Menashe, like Sara, Rivka, Rachel and Leah". Although, we don't see all my kids every day, it is truly "Tov" - Good, for they give us immeasurable Nachas-Joy, as they study Torah, live as Jews and now raise their children in the traditions of our people.

Shabbat Shalom