Live Your Best Life
This week can be called a happy Parshah. While the first portion of the Torah (Bereishit) begins on a positive note and the creation of the world, it ends on a negative one, with the perversion and sinful behavior of mankind. The second portion (Noach) begins with the flood that destroyed all of the world, but concludes with the birth of Avram, a special and righteous individual. It is only in this week's portion, the third portion (Lech Lecha), that we begin and conclude on a positive note, with the story of our patriarch and matriarch, Avram and Sara.
Lech Lecha begins with Hashem's command to Avram and Sara (Bereishit 12:1), "Go forth from your land, from your birthplace, and and your father's house, to the land that I will show you". Avram and Sara began the task of teaching monotheism and spreading the word of Hashem to whomever they met. While they began the task, it continues on throughout history.
Our sages teach us that each and every one of us is meant to carry on the task of our ancestors. While the lands that we live in and the people we meet may change, this task of Lech Lecha reverberates throughout history. The goal also remains the same - "to the land that I will show you", we continue to elevate the sparks of goodness until the time will come when Hashem will tell us, "you have arrived at your destination".
Rashi (France 1040-1105) comments on this verse and says that this journey would be for the good and to the benefit of Avram and Sara. Simply understood, this means that while moving away to a foreign land and starting all over may seem arduous and difficult, Hashem promised them that it would all be for their benefit.
Perhaps there is a deeper lesson here as well. Anything worthwhile or valuable takes investment. If it was easy and a no brainer, everyone would be successful and a trend-setter. Yet, we see that it takes tremendous courage and determination to break the mold and go against the status quo. As our sages tell us in the Talmud Chagiga, "One who learns Torah and reviews it 100 times, cannot be compared to one who reviews it 101 times". For when you challenge yourself to go out of your own limitations you can truly achieve the blessings of Lech Lecha and live your very best life.
Shabbat Shalom.
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