Thursday, September 22, 2022

Choices, Choices - Nitzavim

Choices, Choices 
Parshat Nitzavim

This week's Torah portion of Nitzavim begins with the renewal of the covenant between the Jewish people and G-d. Moses enjoins the Jewish people to be faithful and to make wise decisions. Moshe Rabbeinu also warns the Jewish people of what will happen if they become complacent and begin to adapt the idol worshipping practices of the nations around them.

In the seventh reading we read the iconic commandment to choose life - ובחרת בחיים. "I have placed life and death before you, blessing and curse, and you shall choose life, so that you will live, you and your offspring" (Devarim 30:19).

According to Rashi (France 1040-1105 France) this commandment is meant to be fatherly advice, like a father or mother would encourage his/her child to make good choices and to choose wisely. Rabbi Moshe Feinstein explains that the choices we make affect not only ourselves but our children and the generations afterwards. As such, the conclusion of the verse, "so that you will live, you and your offspring," makes perfect sense.

One may wonder, why does Moshe have to tell us something so obvious "to choose life"? It would seem that most people would choose the path of life and goodness instead of that of death and disaster!

Besides the basic understanding that sometimes the proper and good choice is not as easy or clear as we would like it to be , there is perhaps something deeper here as well. So often, when faced with a big or life-changing decision, the process is a difficult and gut wrenching one. Things are not easy, and our own biases and issues cloud our ability to make the proper choice. We may know in our hearts what is the right thing, but it is extremely difficult to do.

Perhaps, our Torah portion this week is speaking to this conundrum when it tells us "choose life and blessing". We are commanded and given the strength to make the right choices, though it may not be easy. Hashem promises us, Make the proper choices and I will be there with you, helping you and guiding you along the way.

Shabbat Shalom.

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