The Virtue of Busyness
Parshat Acharei
Summer is in the air. With Pesach behind us and school break just a couple of weeks away, it is normal to start thinking about summer plans for our families. So many of us struggle with the following question, do we pack our children's summer schedule or do we purposefully not overschedule their days?
In this week's Torah portion of Acharei, we read of the special Yom Kippur service of the Kohen Gadol (High priest). Quite different than today's Yom Kippur experience, where we all sit in Shul all day and pray from a Machzor (High Holiday prayerbook), in the days of the Bet Hamikdash it was a solo performance by the Kohen Gadol. The Mishnah and Talmud dedicate an entire tractate to the service of Yom Kippur and all of its details. In this Tractate Yoma, we learn of the extremely hectic schedule of the Kohen Gadol on this day. Beginning early in the morning of Yom Kippur, he began the service with the standard Avoda (temple service), moved on to the special Yom Kippur sacrifices, the five immersions in the Mikva (ritual bath), and the changing of clothes (from the all-white vestments to the golden vestments), and finally the apex of Yom Kippur-the Ketores, the special offering of incense in the Holy of Holies.
In short, it was an exhausting and emotionally draining day for the Kohen Gadol, while the rest of the community waited for him to finish.
It seems counterproductive to be so busy with technicalities and details on such a holy day. Would it not have been more spiritually fulfilling to sit quietly, deep in thought, and pray? Why was there the need to have the Kohen Gadol so busy, running from service to service, all the while trying to focus spiritually on forgiveness for himself, his family, and the Jewish nation?
Perhaps this is a lesson in time management and success, and it might also be a lesson in true spirituality and growth. So often, we tend to think about growth and success in terms of a quick fix. We want instant gratification and results. Holiness is associated with things that make us feel spiritual and holy. We think that it is about pausing instead of doing.
I would like to suggest that the Torah is sharing with us a great truth- that holiness is about bringing spirituality into every aspect of our lives, instead of trying to escape to a holy place outside of our lives. If you want to be productive and live life to the fullest, try bringing meaning and purpose to your busy and hectic life instead of trying to run away from it. Being holy and spiritual is about doing good things regularly, not just once in a while. If someone cares about their health, they exercise regularly, not overdoing it on one day, but rather exercising consistently and routinely.
We are never too busy for growth and the ability to find meaning in our everyday tasks. As the saying goes, "If you need something done, give it to an extremely busy person". Because, when a person can organize and structure their time and find purpose in every moment, they will not only get things done, but they will be purposeful in everything they do.
Wasting time or doing nothing is counter productive. Yes, we need change from time to time, and we need to be mindful about stress, being overworked and unfocused. But doing nothing or not having focus never brings good things. Instead, we should find mindful ways to change our environments and everyday routine during the summer to bring our children a welcomed change and excitement in their vacation. But let us not forget that being busy and productive is a blessing and something that breeds success.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Y. Marrus