Chag Ha'Sukkot
What type of parent are you? Are you a an Etrog or Lulav parent? Or perhaps, is your parenting style more alike the Haddas or the Aravah?
On of the beautiful and special Mitzvot of Sukkot is the commandment of Arba Minim-the Four Species. The Torah (Vayikra 23:40 ) commands us to take the 4 Species- The Etrog (citrus), Lulav (palm frond), Haddas (Myrtle branch) and Aravah (willow) and make a blessings on them during the festival of Sukkot. The sages in the Talmud give multiple reasons for this Mitzvah.
The Sefer Habahir (R. Nechunya Ben Hakanah, Israel, 1st century) explains this Mitzvah based on the teachings of the Kabbalah. It describes the four species as four parts of a human being: The Esrog represents the heart, the seat of our emotions. The Hadas (myrtle) has leaves shaped like an eye. The Lulav (date palm) represents the spine, from where our actions emanate. The Aravah (willow) represents the lips, our speech.
The four species must be taken together as a unit. So too, to achieve happiness, one must use all of his/her faculties in unison. You cannot say one thing and feel another. We must unify our feelings, our actions, our speech and our outlook. With all of these working together, we are well on the path to self-esteem, tranquility and joy.
Perhaps, we can find a lesson in parenting as well in this commandment.
The Esrog/Heart represents a parenting style of high emotions. The Lulav/Spine represents the parenting style of rigidity and unbending values. The Hadass/Eyes represent the parent who looks at everything with a spiritual outlook. And finally, the Aravah/mouth represents the very down-to-earth, physically involved parenting style.
Perhaps, the message of the Arba Minim is, that each one of these parenting style alone does not bode well for the child. It is a synthesis and blend of all of these, that are needed to raise a mindful, healthy, functional and spiritual style. We need the spiritual outlook balanced by the practical, the rigidity and structure must be tempered by the heart and emotions. Truly, e
ach one of the Arba Minim compliments the other.
Chag Sukkot Sameach!
Rabbi Y. Marrus