Friday, May 7, 2021

Strong Foundations -Behar Bechukotai

Strong Foundations
Parshat Behar-Bechukotai

This week's double Torah portion is called Behar-Bechukotai. It contains many mitzvot ranging from the Shemita (Sabbatical year) to the laws of helping the poor and of course the verses of admonition, known as the Tochecha

The portion begins with the words " וידבר ה' אל משה בהר סיני לאמר - And Hashem spoke to Moshe on Mt. Sinai saying". The famed commentary Rashi questions the need to state that G-d spoke to Moses on Mt. Sinai the laws of the Sabbatical year. "After all, weren't all the commandments given at Sinai?" he questions. Rashi therefore answers rhetorically, that just as all the general rules and specifics of the Shemita (Sabbatical year) were given by G-d to Moshe at Mt. Sinai, so too, all the Mitzvot in the Torah, the specifics and the general rules of each Mitzvah were given to Moshe at Mt. Sinai. 

Rashi adds a second interpretation based on a principal called a "Binyan Av" He explains that even though the laws of the Shemita are not repeated in the book of Devarim (Deuteronomy) as many other Mitzvot, nonetheless, all these laws were given to Moshe on Mt. Sinai by G-d.

The Sfas Emes (Rabbi Yehudah Aryeh Leib Alter, 1847-1905 Poland) explains that although we work with the land, own the land, and cultivate the land, we must remember that it all comes from Hashem. By abstaining from working the field on the Shemita year, once every seven years, we demonstrate our trust Bitachon, and faith Emunah in Hashem's providence. Yes, we harvest for six years, but then comes the seventh year, reminding us who is really in control. Similarly, Rabbi Moshe Alshich (1508-1593 Turkey/Tzfat Israel) explains that this is all about recognizing the basis for everything we do; it is not our hands, but it all comes from Hashem.

In other words, this entire passage is trying to teach us an important lesson. We need to always remember the basis and  foundation for everything we do. All the Torah we study, all the Mitzvot we do, all has its root and foundation in Sinai.

Often, I think about what was/is the most important educational lesson I have ever learned. Is it a passage of Torah, a thought provoking essay I read, or perhaps a Shiur/Class I watched or listened to? But come to think of it, anything and everything we study in our lifetime is predicated and based on the educational thinking and precepts we were given as a young child. The formative years in one's life, sets them on a specific path for the years ahead. Early Childhood, Kindergarten, and Elementary School years are spent forming, teaching and establishing the educational tools that the child will have for the rest of their lives. This is why education matters so much to all of us. Everything you learn in life, is based on the educational tools you received as a youngster.

There is a lesson to be learned from our Torah portion in the importance of providing our children with a solid and transformational Jewish education from a young age. It is the most important gift we can give our children. Because, just like with all the Torah laws given at Sinai, when we instill in our children the love and reverence of Judaism, appreciation for Torah values, compassion, empathy, and more, we are setting them up for life. We are establishing the foundation for their entire lives.

As such, no matter where they may roam, our children will always know where they come from and what is their home, their basis and foundation.

Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Y. Marrus 

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