Thursday, May 27, 2021

Educational Partners-Behalotecha

Educational Partners

Summer is almost here! School will soon be out and students and staff alike will excitingly begin the summer break. After a full nine and a half months of school, everyone is ready for a more relaxed and stress-free schedule. An important question however is, what happens to the education of our children over the summer? Children are always learning, experiencing, and soaking up everything around them. By that token, if you divide the year into fractions, the students will be out for summer for 1/6th of year. That's a great deal of time to have no education! The summer months can be a time of growth, or it can go the other way G-d forbid.

In this weeks Parshah Behaalotecha, the Jewish people do something terribly wrong. They become "Misonanim" complainers. Rashi and other classic Chumash commentaries explain that the Jewish people were stuck in a mode of complaining, being ungrateful and more. The result of this behavior is that Hashem gets angry at them and they are punished. But what follows is perhaps even more telling. Moshe Rabbeinu has finally had it with them! He turns to Hashem and says (Bamidbar 11:11) "Why have You done evil to your servant; why have I not found favor in Your eyes, that You place the burden of this entire people upon me? Did I conceive this entire people... And if this is how You deal with me, then kill me now, if I have found favor in Your eyes". 

One can actually feel the pain and frustration in Moshe's voice. He is at his wits-end and cries out in frustration "I need some help!" Hashem's response to him is that He would provide him with support and help in the form of the Zekeinim (70 elders). These elders would stand by him and help him bear the burden of leadership. With some support, friendship, and assistance, Moshe is able to move forward and continue to lead the Jewish people.

Throughout the months of the school year, educators work terribly hard to engage, educate and inspire children. Sometimes, it can take weeks or months to have a breakthrough with a student and finally get him/her to a place and mindset of growth and learning. This year in particular, with children returning to school after being home for more than five months due to Covid-19, the social awkwardness of the children, their significant educational gaps and their learning mindset was very far from a educationally-focused positive growth mindset for many students. It has taken months of tedious and painstaking labor of love, to move the students slowly and surely to a good place, a place of healthy growth, learning and Torah. We are thank G-d finishing the year on a solid and positive footing.

And now, we turn to you dear parents and ask you to continue this growth and education. We implore you to continue to have your children read (in Hebrew and English) and grow. We encourage you to find modes of outdoor activities and fun, and not have the children spend hours upon hours of unsupervised screen and video game time. Together, if we support each other, we can work as a team, to make sure that "our children" are continuing to grow and develop in a healthy way throughout the summer. Let the summer-break be a time of family, adventure, fun, relaxation, and also a time of personal growth, responsibility, spirituality and love.

As in our Parshah, Moshe Rabbeinu and the Zekeinim partnered together to provide the best leadership possible for Am Yisrael. So too, we must join together and partner to provide the very best for our precious children.

I guess the African proverb "it takes a village to raise a child" says it all!

Shabbat Shalom and healthy, safe and educational summer.
Rabbi Y. Marrus

Friday, May 21, 2021

The Linchpin of Jewish Education-Nasso

The Linchpin of Jewish Education
Parshat Nasso 

This week's Torah portion discusses in great detail the service of the Levi'im (tribe of Levi) and the specific families of Gershon, Kehot and Merrari, as they performed their service in the Mishkan (tabernacle). The portion begins with the words "Nasso - Lift up the children of Gershon". 

Later on in this week's portion at the end of the Fourth Aliya, we read the beautiful priestly blessings that we bless our children with. The final stanza begins with the words "Yisa Hashem Panav-May Hashem lift His countenance towards you". Both Hebrew words Nasso and Yisa means to lift up, to inspire, and to empower.

The question is, how do we really inspire our children with life-long inspiration?

In the second book of the Tanya, the Gateway of Unity and Faith, Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi (Russia 1745-1813) begins this profound book with a section called "the education of a child". He quotes the well know verse from King Solomon's Proverbs (Mishlei 24:6) which states חנוך לנער על פי דרכו - Educate a child according to his/her own way, then even when they grow old, they will not depart with it". 

At the surface this passage seems to be telling us that when we differentiate education and teach the whole child, according to their own way, they will retain the teaching for the rest of their lives. The obvious question however is, Why wouldn't we want a child to grow and mature from their childness understanding and observance? Don't we want the child to mature and dig deeper, and develop a deeper and more sophisticated relationship with Hashem?

Rabbi Schneur Zalmen explains that in life, each and every one of us, including the Tzadik (righteous person) will have moments of doubt and despair. Notwithstanding our personal growth and successes we will all have moments of uncertainty. It is within these bleak moments that we need to dig deep and reconnect with our essence, our foundation. It is in these difficult moments that we need our Emunah (faith in G-d) and Bitachon (trust in G-d) to be absolutely rock solid. In these challenging times we go back to our foundation.

This then is the meaning of King Solomon's words, "Educate a child according to his/her way, then even when they grow old, they will not depart from it", in essence, he is telling us to make sure that the foundation we give our children is so well formed and solid, that it will be there for them throughout their lives.

The linchpin of a proper Jewish education is the foundation of Emunah (Faith), Bitachon (Trust) and Ahavat Hashem (Love of Hashem) that we instill and build for our children. It is these precious traits that will be there with them for the rest of their lives.

Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Y. Marrus 

Friday, May 14, 2021

Alone in the Wilderness-Bamidbar

Alone in the Wilderness
Parshat Bamidbar

This week we begin a new Torah portion of Bamidbar. This fourth book of the Torah, delves into the experiences of the Jewish people throughout the 40 years that they spent in the wilderness. Although, the majority of the recorded history is from the first year and the final year, without much information on the middle 38 years, each episode and event teaches us great and important lessons.

The first Mitzvah in the portion is that of taking a census of the Jewish people. Rashi (France 1040-1105) offers the following reason "since G-d loves them, he therefore counts them frequently. When we left Egypt he counted them, when many fell at the sin of the Golden Calf he counted them, and when He was to place His providence on them, he counted them again".

The Hebrew word Bamidbar means "in the desert". The English name Numbers, is based on (1) the fact that the sages did call this book Chumash Hapekudim-the book of numbers (2) Numbers is derived from the Greek translation of the Septuagint (the Greek translation of the Torah in the 2nd and 3rd centuries).

While logically we can understand that this "book of counting" is called Numbers, the word Bamidbar "in the desert" has much relevance and importance.

People are not Numbers. 

There are billions of people in this world. The vast majority of them, we have and will never meet or know them. But the people that we do know, and are involved in our lives, can be for us the greatest joy and also the greatest source of heartache. 

Each individual is a world. Often, in the hustle and bustle of life we forget the uniqueness and importance of the individual.

During the summer I usually lead a Birthright trip to Israel with my wife. Of the many special, educational and exciting activities we do, one stands out. It takes place in the Negev desert. We take the group out in middle of the desert at night and have them look at the stars in the sky. The strong darkness is surprising. The sounds of the desert are eerie. The wind on your face tingles with the unknown. You feel alone and a bit unbalanced. Then, as we talk about our forefathers Abraham and Sarah, and G-d's promise to them that he would make their children great like stars of the heaven, we look upwards and see the majesty of the stars. You feel alone but also connected to your people, your history, and your land, Israel. You feel the power of the individual.

In the last weeks, we have faced some really challenging times. First the horrific tragedy in Meron, Israel and this week watching in horror as over 2000+ rockets were fired on Israeli civilians by Hamas. We feel so alone. Social media and news outlets continue to push a false narrative, lies about Israel and its people. We feel so small and insignificant. Who am I? What can I possibly do to help? Does anyone even care about us?

The lesson of Bamidbar is a resounding yes! As one realizes the greatness of the universe and the vastness of the desert, they will also realize that each and every one of us matters. G-d placed us here on earth to make a difference and contribute. When we appreciate the greatness of Hashem and His creations, and recognize that while we can not perhaps fix everything and understand everything, we do have the power to do our little part, that is empowering and brings vitality. The message of the Midbar is YOU DO MATTER!

As our sages tell us in the Ethics of our Fathers "Rabbi Tarfon said, you are not required to complete the task, yet you are not free to withdraw from it". We must do our part for our people, for our land and for ourselves.

Am Yisrael Chai!
Shabbat Shalom and Chag Shavuot Sameach

Rabbi Yossi Marrus 

Friday, May 7, 2021

Strong Foundations -Behar Bechukotai

Strong Foundations
Parshat Behar-Bechukotai

This week's double Torah portion is called Behar-Bechukotai. It contains many mitzvot ranging from the Shemita (Sabbatical year) to the laws of helping the poor and of course the verses of admonition, known as the Tochecha

The portion begins with the words " וידבר ה' אל משה בהר סיני לאמר - And Hashem spoke to Moshe on Mt. Sinai saying". The famed commentary Rashi questions the need to state that G-d spoke to Moses on Mt. Sinai the laws of the Sabbatical year. "After all, weren't all the commandments given at Sinai?" he questions. Rashi therefore answers rhetorically, that just as all the general rules and specifics of the Shemita (Sabbatical year) were given by G-d to Moshe at Mt. Sinai, so too, all the Mitzvot in the Torah, the specifics and the general rules of each Mitzvah were given to Moshe at Mt. Sinai. 

Rashi adds a second interpretation based on a principal called a "Binyan Av" He explains that even though the laws of the Shemita are not repeated in the book of Devarim (Deuteronomy) as many other Mitzvot, nonetheless, all these laws were given to Moshe on Mt. Sinai by G-d.

The Sfas Emes (Rabbi Yehudah Aryeh Leib Alter, 1847-1905 Poland) explains that although we work with the land, own the land, and cultivate the land, we must remember that it all comes from Hashem. By abstaining from working the field on the Shemita year, once every seven years, we demonstrate our trust Bitachon, and faith Emunah in Hashem's providence. Yes, we harvest for six years, but then comes the seventh year, reminding us who is really in control. Similarly, Rabbi Moshe Alshich (1508-1593 Turkey/Tzfat Israel) explains that this is all about recognizing the basis for everything we do; it is not our hands, but it all comes from Hashem.

In other words, this entire passage is trying to teach us an important lesson. We need to always remember the basis and  foundation for everything we do. All the Torah we study, all the Mitzvot we do, all has its root and foundation in Sinai.

Often, I think about what was/is the most important educational lesson I have ever learned. Is it a passage of Torah, a thought provoking essay I read, or perhaps a Shiur/Class I watched or listened to? But come to think of it, anything and everything we study in our lifetime is predicated and based on the educational thinking and precepts we were given as a young child. The formative years in one's life, sets them on a specific path for the years ahead. Early Childhood, Kindergarten, and Elementary School years are spent forming, teaching and establishing the educational tools that the child will have for the rest of their lives. This is why education matters so much to all of us. Everything you learn in life, is based on the educational tools you received as a youngster.

There is a lesson to be learned from our Torah portion in the importance of providing our children with a solid and transformational Jewish education from a young age. It is the most important gift we can give our children. Because, just like with all the Torah laws given at Sinai, when we instill in our children the love and reverence of Judaism, appreciation for Torah values, compassion, empathy, and more, we are setting them up for life. We are establishing the foundation for their entire lives.

As such, no matter where they may roam, our children will always know where they come from and what is their home, their basis and foundation.

Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Y. Marrus