Wednesday, December 30, 2020

2020 In Hindsight

2020 In Hindsight

I’ve been reading lots of articles and seeing many memes with the same theme - leaving behind the year of 2020. Some are suggesting that 2020 was the worst year ever and are therefore suggesting that we leave this year behind and be excited about the new secular year of 2021. The memes make the same case but in a more humorous and visually understanding manner. "2020 was a disaster. Let’s leave 2020 behind in the dust". 

I beg to differ. 

I am not G-d forbid suggesting that a global pandemic is a wonderful occurrence nor that the stress, loss, anxiety and hardships that so many faced this year is a laughing matter. Quite the opposite.

Firstly, not withstanding our hardships and loss, a student of history knows that our people have faced many difficult times, many far worse than this last year. It is always important to put things in their proper context. 

Secondly, as a person that believes in “Hashgacha Protis-Divine Providence", I don’t have the luxury of chalking things like a global pandemic up to chance. I believe that it all comes from G-d and as such, I grapple with the meaning and reason for everything. I may or may not understand why things happen, but I search for meaning.

This year was a difficult one. But it was also one of the most illuminating and introspective years I have ever had. Why so much hardship? I don’t know. But this year I learned a great deal about life and about myself.

This year I...

  • Was challenged like never before. 
  • I grew as a result of these challenges.
  • Began to really appreciate my community and congregants
  • Worried more about seniors and the elderly in my life
  • Thought about my family more often
  • Thought about and mourned people that I had not thought of or seen in many years
  • Prayed for many people I don’t even know
  • Appreciated the educational and school system in a far greater way
  • Appreciated our communal Chesed organizations so much more
  • Took pleasure in the little things in life
  • Paid my tuition bill gladly
  • Got to know my children better
  • Worked on my relationship with my children
  • Worked on my relationship with G-d
  • Worked on my own emotional health
  • Worked on my relationship with myself
  • Worked on my relationship with my wife
  • Appreciated having a job and being able to earn a living
  • Appreciated all the luxuries I have
  • Finally understand how important vaccines and medicine are
  • Found new respect for healthcare professionals
  • Grew in my respect for educators and administrators
  • Had to think out of the box again and again
  • Fell in love with my Shul again
  • Appreciated my Yiddishkeit in a whole new way
  • Appreciated praying with a minyan
  • Appreciated reading from the Torah
  • Took control of my health and finally lost weight and got healthier
  • Missed seeing so many friends and family
  • And so much more

So while we all hope that the next secular year is absolutely wonderful in a revealed manner, I cherish the lessons and experiences of 2020. I hope that the lessons learned and experiences continue to shape and guide me for the future.

I guess hindsight is indeed 20/20. Happy Secular New Year.

"Rabbi Levi Yitzchok of Berdichev used to tell his congregants “Happy New Year”, and it’s based on Chapter 87 in Psalms where it says “Hashem Yispor Bichsov Amim..” “Hashem will count in the register of people…” 

Monday, December 14, 2020

Effort vs Faith - Miketz

Effort vs Faith
Parshat Miketz

This week's Torah portion opens with the words "Vayehi Miketz Shnatayim Yamim-It was at the end of two years". Exactly two years after Yosef interpreted the dreams of the the butler and baker in the previous portion of Vayeshev, Pharaoh has a dream which Yosef will interpret and lead to his appointment as viceroy of Egypt.

The Midrash Tanchuma explains, that since Yosef placed his hope in the butler saying "Please remember me to Pharaoh" (Bereishit 40:14), he was punished that his sentence would be extended by two years. Thus, the opening of our portion.

Many of the classic commentators struggle with this understanding. Was Yosef just supposed to sit back and wait for a miracle to happen? He saw an opportunity that was certainly sent by Hashem, and he acted on it. So why was he punished? Some answer this conundrum by suggesting, that for a Tzadik as great as Yosef this was a sin, but for an ordinary person it would not be considered sinful. Other commentaries explain that it was Yosef's griping and complaining about his situation (Genesis 40:15) that was sinful, as he should have accepted, that Hashem had a reason for putting him where he was.

Parents are faced with a dilemma. Do we have to have faith in G-d that our children will turn out alright or is it dependent on our actions; education and upbringing and parenting. Secondly, even if we do everything right and give our kids the best possible, will they in fact always do what is proper and right? Are we a failure if our children don't follow the path we chart for them?

The answer in classic Jewish thought is "they are both right". We must have faith in Hashem and pray for our children that they turn out alright. Then we must engage in Hishtadlut (our efforts) doing our very best to give them the finest Jewish education, living environment, good friends, health and much more. Then we must have Emunah (faith) in Hashem.

The lesson we learn from Yosef is not to Kvetch (complain). Too often, we succumb to complaining and Kvetching about our situation. The lesson we learn, is that we must always remember that our children do not belong to us. Rather they belong to Hashem and every challenge and hurdle that they (and we) will face, is from Hashem. Instead of complaining we should continue with our Emunah (faith) and Hishtadlut to the best of our abilities. Then we have Bitachon (trust) that everything will turn out the way its supposed to be.

Shabbat Shalom 

Thursday, December 10, 2020

The Power of Conviction - Vayeshev

The Power of Conviction
Parshat Vayeshev-Chanukah

This week's Torah portion opens with the story of Yosef and his brothers. Yosef was his father's favorite and was resented for it. The Torah tells us how Yosef had two dreams and shared it with his brothers. The first dream takes place as they are in the field gathering wheat. Yosef's sheaf of wheat stands up, and all the other sheaf's bow to it. The second dream was how the sun, moon, and eleven stars bowed to him. Suffice it to say, that these dreams didn't bring him more love or admiration from his brothers. While Yosef ultimately did have everyone bow to him as a ruler, the road getting there was fraught with many challenges. 

Looking closely at this story we see something extraordinary. While Yosef was sharing his dreams of grandeur, not only did his brothers not validate or seriously entertain his thoughts, but they actually hated him for it. Later on in the story, when they leave Yosef to die in a pit filled with snakes and scorpions (before selling him into slavery), the Torah tells us (Bereishit 37:24-25) "Then they took him, and cast him into the pit; the pit was empty, no water in it. They sat to eat food"!

What is so shocking is not only do they do this terrible crime of leaving their brother to die, they actually have no problem sitting down for lunch! Did they have no moral conscious? No guilt for what they had done?! Most of us get queasy from the sight of blood, let alone leaving someone to die.

The Seforno (Italy 1475-1550) explains that this verse shows us that they felt they were doing the right thing. They knew through prophecy that Yehudah would be king, they therefore viewed Yosef as a usurper of power and kingship. They therefore viewed him as the bad apple in the family. Just as Abraham had Yishmael, and Yitzchak had Esav, now Yakov had Yosef and he needed to be expunged from the family. They were sure they were doing the right thing. While their actions were wrong and cruel, we need to appreciate their absolute conviction in what they were doing. 

During the times of the Chanukah story (165 BCE), the Jews that fought for liberation and religious freedom, aka the Maccabees, were in the minority. The majority of Jews had assimilated or were silent bystanders to the terrible things happening. It was a few "radicals" that challenged the status quo, and fought back. These "religious zealots" were absolute in their conviction and dedication. They were appreciated by Hashem, and He performed miracles for them.

Feelings are important and our convictions are a very powerful thing. Sometimes, we are on the money, doing the right thing. Other times, our convictions may be simply wrong, no matter how righteous we think we are. But not having dedication and strong convictions is even worse. We must raise our children with strong moral convictions, a sense of right and wrong, and absolute dedication to what they believe. While they may be sometimes off the mark, they will have the courage to reevaluate and readjust.

The story of Chanukah teaches us that we must do everything in our power to do the right thing, even if we can't possibly imagine success, and Hashem will take care of the rest. Our Parshah teaches us that even when our convictions may be off mark, when our hearts are in the right place, with time and guidance, we will come to reevaluate them and find the correct path, as Yosef's brothers eventually did.

Shabbat Shalom & Chanukah Sameach!

Thursday, December 3, 2020

A Low Blow -Vayishlach

A Low Blow
Parshat Vayishlach

There are certain cuts of meat, that as tasty as they may be, you just won't find them in a kosher market, i.e., cuts of meat from the hindquarters of the animal like sirloin, filet mignon, and porterhouse. The reason stems from this week's Torah portion.

When Yaakov was crossing the Yaabok river he was attacked. This attacker was none other that Sar Shel Esav (the guardian angel of Esau). They wrestled all night long and towards morning, "when he perceived that he could not overcome him, he struck the socket of his hip; so Yakov's hip-socket was dislocated as he wrestled with him" (Genesis 32:25-27). The story continues with Jacob being blessed by the attacker and being given the name Yisrael, as the verse states "no longer will it be said that your name is Jacob, but Yisrael, for you have striven with the Divine and with man and have overcome" (Genesis 32:29). The story concludes "Therefore, the children of Israel are not to eat the Gid Hanasheh (displaced sinew on the hip-socket) to this day, because he struck Jacob's hip-socket on the displaced sinew". This is the reason why the hindquarters of the animal that contain the sciatica (the hip-socket sinew) are not eaten, as it is too costly and complicated to properly remove the entire nerve/sinew.

This Biblical Mitzvah of Gid Hanashe  (Rambam's Sefer Hamitzvos. Negative commandment 183, or  Mitzvah 1 according to the Chafetz Chaim)  leaves many questions of why this bizarre story is told to us and what life lesson is there for us to learn from it, beyond the simple understanding.

The Zohar (work of Kabbalah) explains that this encounter between Jacob and his attacker was symbolic of something much greater. The two forces of Light and Darkness (Yaakov and Esav) were battling for dominion over the world. While Yaakov was blessed by his father Yitzchak, his brother Esav resented the blessing and sought to kill him for it. This battle of Esav's guardian angel and Yaakov was about who would truly receive the blessings and ultimate dominion over the world. This is why Yaakov asked the angel to bless him and renounce Esav's claim, once and for all these special blessings. Indeed, after he is bested, the angel blesses him and calls him Yisrael (prince of G-d) and not Yaakov (which connotes trickery and deception).

Some of our commentaries explain that the hip-socket represents the area close to the reproductive organs; i.e. our offspring. When the angel of Esav saw that he could not shake Yaakov's resolve and could not beat him, he hit him with a "low blow", trying to affect his children. Esav's angel realized that the future of the Jewish people is only as strong as the children that represent the future. If he could weaken the commitment of Yaakov's children and their connection to Judaism and Torah, he would have been very successful in striking the ultimate blow. 

This is the very reason why collectively as a Jewish people, we have always placed the first emphasis on our children and their Jewish education. This is because they represent the future and the very life source of our people. 

To conclude with a beautiful statement by the late Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks OBM "The people who build and support Jewish schools-they are the heroes of the Jewish world, because they are the builders of the Jewish future... The very success of the Jewish people and surviving and thriving through all circumstances, some good, some not so good, was due to the fact that we put education as the first of our communal priorities". 

Shabbat Shalom