Parshat Lech Lecha
This week we read the beautiful portion of Lech Lecha in which Avram and Sarai are commanded to leave home and begin their journey and destiny. The Torah says "Lech Lecha... V'Esecha L'Goy Gadol, V'avarechecha, V'Agadla Shemecha Vheye Bracha". Hashem speaks to Avram and says "go on this journey that I command you... I will make you into a great nation, I will make your name great, and I will bless you, and your will be a blessing".
The understanding of the verse according to the commentary Rashi (France 1040-1106) is the following. G-d is addressing three specific concerns that they had. Travel and being on the road contributes to (1) not being able to establish a family (2) low income and great travel expenses (3) not being able to establish a reputation and name. As such, Hashem addresses these three concerns in the following manner (1) I will make you into a great nation, you will be blessed with children (2) I will bless you with wealth, (3) I will make your name great. The Chizkuni (France 13th Century-Rabbi Chizkiyahu ben Manoach) sees in this verse another guarantee, that G-d would be there for Avram as a friend and supporter, as when one travels he has no support from family and friends.
Let us imagine what was going on in Avram's mind. He was 75 years old, his wife Sarai was 65, and they were childless. While they had built a reputation for being teachers of monotheism and G-dliness, they were now being asked to leave it all behind and start all over. What a scary and life altering move! For most Jewish people, as they age and enter the golden years, the greatest concern is the legacy they will leave behind. While financial success is very important, of even greater importance is the Nachas (joy) of our family, the blessing of seeing our children, grandchildren, and possible great-grandchildren following in the tradition and beliefs of our people.
A number of years back at my father's seventieth birthday gathering, I was sitting with my father and schmoozing, as the many, many grandchildren B"H were running around and making quite a ruckus. I asked my father the following. "Ta, was this the plan all along, to have a huge family with so many observant children, grandchildren?" You see, my parents did not grow up Orthodox. They were both secular Jews, and together they became Balei Teshuva (returnees to Judaism) in their 20's. My father responded "actually, the goal was just to learn a little bit more about our own faith so we could give our children more Judaism then what we got. I never imagined that we would be blessed with nine children and so many grandchildren (and now great-grandchildren)". His response touched me. They began a journey together, made sacrifices for what they believed in, sent their children to Jewish schools, did their best to educate them in the traditions of Yiddishkeit, and four decades later they were seeing the dividends of their investment.
Living a dedicated, committed Jewish life is challenging. Educating our children in Jewish schools is expensive and difficult. Making the tough choices of what we allow our children to be exposed to and engaged in, is no easy task. But like Avram and Sarai, G-d commands each and everyone of us "Lech Lecha" go forth on your own spiritual journey. While the task is certainly daunting, we have Hashem's blessing that we WILL be successful, we WILL be blessed, we WILL see joy and Nachas from our families. We just need to be brave enough to leave our comfort zone behind and Lech Lecha.
Shabbat Shalom