Thursday, October 29, 2020

Investments and Dividends-Lech Lecha

Investments and Dividends
Parshat Lech Lecha

This week we read the beautiful portion of Lech Lecha in which Avram and Sarai are commanded to leave  home and begin their journey and destiny. The Torah says "Lech Lecha... V'Esecha L'Goy Gadol, V'avarechecha, V'Agadla Shemecha Vheye Bracha".  Hashem speaks to Avram and says "go on this journey that I command you... I will make you into a great nation, I will make your name great, and I will bless you, and your will be a blessing". 

The understanding of the verse according to the commentary Rashi (France 1040-1106) is the following. G-d is addressing three specific concerns that they had. Travel and being on the road contributes to (1) not being able to establish a family (2) low income and great travel expenses (3) not being able to establish a reputation and name. As such, Hashem addresses these three concerns in the following manner (1) I will make you into a great nation, you will be blessed with children (2) I will bless you with wealth, (3) I will make your name great. The Chizkuni (France 13th Century-Rabbi Chizkiyahu ben Manoach) sees in this verse another guarantee, that G-d would be there for Avram as a friend and supporter, as when one travels he has no support from family and friends.

Let us imagine what was going on in Avram's mind. He was 75 years old, his wife Sarai was 65, and they were childless. While they had built a reputation for being teachers of monotheism and G-dliness, they were now being asked to leave it all behind and start all over. What a scary and life altering move! For most Jewish people, as they age and enter the golden years, the greatest concern is the legacy they will leave behind. While financial success is very important, of even greater importance is the Nachas (joy) of our family, the blessing of seeing our children, grandchildren, and possible great-grandchildren following in the tradition and beliefs of our people. 

A number of years back at my father's seventieth birthday gathering, I was sitting with my father and schmoozing, as the many, many grandchildren B"H were running around and making quite a ruckus. I asked my father the following. "Ta, was this the plan all along, to have a huge family with so many observant children, grandchildren?" You see, my parents did not grow up Orthodox. They were both secular Jews, and together they became Balei Teshuva (returnees to Judaism) in their 20's. My father responded "actually, the goal was just to learn a little bit more about our own faith so we could give our children more Judaism then what we got. I never imagined that we would be blessed with nine children and so many grandchildren (and now great-grandchildren)". His response touched me. They began a journey together, made sacrifices for what they believed in, sent their children to Jewish schools, did their best to educate them in the traditions of Yiddishkeit, and four decades later they were seeing the dividends of their investment. 

Living a dedicated, committed Jewish life is challenging. Educating our children in Jewish schools is expensive and difficult. Making the tough choices of what we allow our children to be exposed to and engaged in, is no easy task. But like Avram and Sarai, G-d commands each and everyone of us "Lech Lecha" go forth on your own spiritual journey. While the task is certainly daunting, we have Hashem's blessing that we WILL be successful, we WILL be blessed, we WILL see joy and Nachas from our families. We just need to be brave enough to leave our comfort zone behind and Lech Lecha.

Shabbat Shalom

Thursday, October 22, 2020

What's in a Rainbow?-Noach

What's in a Rainbow?
Parshat Noach

In this week's Torah portion we read of the great flood that G-d brought onto the world. The Mabul or flood was a punishment for the moral debasement and corruption of humankind and the animal kingdom. After the flood concluded, Hashem took an oath, swearing to Noach and his sons saying (Bereisheet, Ch. 9, Verse 12-17) "I have set My rainbow in the cloud... I will remember my covenant between Me and you and every living being... and the water shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh". 

From the writings of our sages, the implication is, that the rainbow, as beautiful as it may be, is not a good omen. In fact, if the rainbow represents G-d's promise never to again destroy the world, when we see the rainbow, it is because G-d is showing us "the sign" as a reminder to shape up. As such, in the writings of the Talmud (Brachot 59a) when one sees a rainbow they should remember this special covenant by making a special blessing. "Blessed are You, Lord our G‑d, King of the universe, who remembers the covenant, and is faithful to His covenant, and keeps His promise".

Ramban (13th-century Spain) suggests it is a bow (as in a bow and arrow) that is no longer aimed at the earth. The flood was G-d taking aim at the earth, but the bow is now pointing away from earth, and it no longer has a string or  arrows. Displaying this disabled weapon, is sort of like a ceasefire — holding your weapon pointing towards yourself, away from your initial target. Rabbi Yosef Bechor Shor (12th-century France) explains that it’s G-d showing His Shechina (holy presence). This is based on a verse from the prophet Ezekiel (Ch. 1:28) comparing Hashem's presence to a rainbow. We are also told in the Midrash (Bereishit Rabbah 35:2) that a rainbow never appeared during certain very righteous generations-such as the times of the righteous King Hezkiah or of the great Kabbalist Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai-when the world clearly did not deserve destruction. 

While the Midrashic explanation offers much introspection, how do we understand the rainbow scientifically? Additionally, was the rainbow a new creation after the flood, or something that existed even before the flood?

The popular educational website explains the rainbow in the following manner. "rainbow is caused by sunlight and atmospheric conditions. Light enters a water droplet, slowing down and bending as it goes from air to denser water. The light reflects off the inside of the droplet, separating into its component wavelengths--or colors. When light exits the droplet, it makes a rainbow".

Many of the classic commentators on the Chumash discuss this question and grapple with fusing scientific and Torah approaches. Rabbi Yosef Caro (15-16th century) posits that rainbows always existed but could not be seen because of the thick rain clouds of the flood. Only after the flood did G-d thin the clouds for humans to be able to see the rainbow. The Ibn Ezra (1089-1164 Spain) maintains that the rainbow was a new creation after the flood. The Kli Yakar (1550-1619 Prague) brings a commentary (possibly the Abarbarnel) who explains that there was a change in the amount of water in the atmosphere, thereby making it possible to see the rainbow after the flood. The Lubavitcher Rebbe (1902-1994 Russia-USA) explains that the flood weakened the nature of the world. This resulted in a number of changes (1) The length of a person's lifespan drastically changed and (2) the clouds became weaker allowing light to shine through, thereby making the rainbow visible.

As everything in Torah must provide us with a lesson in life and coming closer to Hashem, perhaps there is a special message in the mystery of the rainbow. The light and water is always present, all you need is to reveal that light and water and now it transforms into a magnificent display of color. So too, with our children, the good and potential for greatness is always there, we just need to believe in them, support them and help them grow, and we will see the beautiful transformation of our young children into productive and proud Jews. 

Shabbat Shalom

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Let There Be Light!-Bereishit

Let there Be Light!
Parshat Bereisheet

With the holiday of Simchat Torah behind us, we now turn our focus on the new cycle of Torah reading, as we read again the first portion, Bereisheet. Our commentaries explain, that the Torah is meant to be a book of instruction for us. Although it does contain history, stories, and many other details, it is primarily a book of instruction, as the Hebrew word Torah comes from the word Ho'raha-instruction. Therefore, every word and verse teaches us important lessons of how to live our lives in a G-dly manner.

We are told that Hashem created the world "B'Asarah Ma'amarot - with Ten Utterances". Almighty G-d did not create the world with physical labor, rather, by uttering the commands found in the account of creation of the world in Bereisheet. As we read the account of creation and the creation of Adam and Chava (Eve), we also read of the first Mitzvah given to them "but of the tree of knowledge of Good and Bad, you shall not eat". Nonetheless, our sages do not see this as the first Mitzvah per say, as this was a specific command to them, not all of humanity. The first Mitzvah in the Torah as discussed by the Rishonim (codifiers) is Peru U'Revu-"be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth". Others count the Mitzvah of Rosh Chodesh (commandment of maintaining the Lunar calendar in the Book of Shemot) as the actual first Mitzvah in the count of the "613 Mitzvot", as it was the first Mitzvah given to the Jewish Nation as a whole, just prior to the Exodus.

But when we look closely, we see that the actual first command or words spoken by G-d in the Torah are "Yehi Ohr-Let there be light". Simply understood, this was the beginning of the creation, when G-d created light as the precursor to separating the "Night and Day". 

But is there perhaps a lesson to be learned of WHY the first G-dly utterance is "Let there be Light"?

When we think of our role as human beings and more specifically as Jews, what is it that we are supposed to accomplish? What is the ultimate reason for the Creation? The answer our sages tell us, is to create a dwelling place for Hashem in this world. To bring holiness and G-dliness into every aspect of the physical world. We are enjoined to bring hope and light to every living being, or as the prophet tell us  "to be a shining light onto the nations of the worlds" (Isaiah 49:6). 

At the Jewish Day School of San Antonio-TASA, we view this directive as the cornerstone of our mission and vision of our educational philosophy. We aspire to prepare our students, so they can become future ambassadors of light for their future families and communities. For all the study, academics, Mitzvot, and lessons, need to lead us in the direction of infusing everything with a Higher Purpose. Perhaps, this a reason why the first utterance by Hashem is Let there be light". Because with out radiating light and hope to others, what would be the point of all of humanity?

Shabbat Shalom.