Parshat Noach
There is an old joke which goes something like this. There was once a man who had great faith in G-d. A terrible flood came to his community and the residents had to be evacuated for their safety. This man refused to be saved as he had faith that only G-d would save him. Even when standing on the roof of his house, with the EMS helicopter begging him to come aboard, he refused as "only G-d would save him. The man drowned. Upon arrival in heaven he angrily said to G-d "I placed my perfect trust in you to save me and you let me die!" G-d responded, "who do you think sent the police and the EMS helicopter.
In the portion of Noach, we read how G-d commanded Noach to build the ark many years prior to the flood. The reason, as the commentary Rashi explains, was so the people would learn about this project and G-d's plan to destroy the world. They would then repent for their evil ways and the disaster would be avoided. Yet, they failed to do so. They failed to seize the opportunity that Hashem sent them. They missed the boat (pun intended).
In the education of children a similar lesson can be derived. Often, we struggle with the right choice or decision for our child. The decisions of which school, which social circles, what extra-curricular activity, when to push and when to let go, to medicate or not to medicate, and so much more.
And then Hashem send us little signs to help us in navigating these string waters. Our own ark. This ark often comes in the form of friends, family members, teachers and administrators who care about our children. Rabbis and mentors who look out for the spiritual well-being of the child. Social workers and mental health professionals who are concerned about their emotional state. Physicians who share their concerns, recommendations and evaluations.
I believe that all these wonderful people are sent by Hashem to help us in our time of need. It is up to take these lessons to heart and not miss the ark.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Y. Marrus
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