Wednesday, November 22, 2017

An American Thanksgiving

An American Thanksgiving

As families prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving again, it is time to reflect on the blessings that A-lmighty G-d has given us. Judaism teaches us that gratitude is an essential part of our relationship with G-d and others. In fact, it is the first words uttered when waking up each morning, "Modeh Ani Lefanecha.... I thank you G-d for restoring my soul within me". Without gratitude we become an unfocused and petty existence.

Thanksgiving is also an appropriate time to focus on the wonderful storied history of our Jewish community in these United States. Arguably, outside of our everlasting homeland, Israel, no country has been as gracious, generous and welcoming as the United States of America since our exile from Israel some two-thousand years ago. The Golden Era of Spain perhaps, is the only serious contender.

The sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneerson of blessed memory(1880-1950), wore his “Shabbosdike Spodik” (Sabbath attire) in honor of taking the oath of citizenship of this country. Rabbi Moshe Feinstein of blessed memory, perhaps the greatest Halachic authority of the previous generation famously said "America is a country of Chessed" (kindness). For these rabbis who came from a war-torn Europe and had personally lost family and so many of their cherished students, they truly understood what this wonderful country offered them 

Notwithstanding all the positives and blessings, we also have real issues in this country that we must face and deal with. This is a complicated and nuanced issue.

Let us use this Thanksgiving weekend to re-examine our role models and who it is that we are asking our children to emulate. Let us focus on proper education with the timeless values and traditions,  and instill in our children a sense of right and wrong, black and white, not this confused “shade of grey” of today’s dubiety. Let us teach our children that to abuse or devalue anyone, is absolutely forbidden, period. Let us teach our children that sexuality is holy and special.

Let us teach our children that we must treat all people with respect and dignity that G-d demands, and that they so deserve. Let us bring back the values of these United States, that we are truly One Nation Under G-d, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Let us hold a moment of silence in our schools and homes, every single day, showing our children and reminding ourselves, that there is something greater than all of us, and we are all subservient to Him. 

Happy Thanksgiving. Shabbat Shalom!


  1. My prayer is that God return to our country. In the past 40 odd years He has been pushed out by the American society and all the 'politically correct' issues that desire not to offend anyone - except God. Our society, in its decline, is indicative of that exclusion. I continue to pray that He return to the USA and to thank Him for his continued blessings on our country - ungrateful as we may seem. . .
