Wednesday, November 22, 2017

An American Thanksgiving

An American Thanksgiving

As families prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving again, it is time to reflect on the blessings that A-lmighty G-d has given us. Judaism teaches us that gratitude is an essential part of our relationship with G-d and others. In fact, it is the first words uttered when waking up each morning, "Modeh Ani Lefanecha.... I thank you G-d for restoring my soul within me". Without gratitude we become an unfocused and petty existence.

Thanksgiving is also an appropriate time to focus on the wonderful storied history of our Jewish community in these United States. Arguably, outside of our everlasting homeland, Israel, no country has been as gracious, generous and welcoming as the United States of America since our exile from Israel some two-thousand years ago. The Golden Era of Spain perhaps, is the only serious contender.

The sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneerson of blessed memory(1880-1950), wore his “Shabbosdike Spodik” (Sabbath attire) in honor of taking the oath of citizenship of this country. Rabbi Moshe Feinstein of blessed memory, perhaps the greatest Halachic authority of the previous generation famously said "America is a country of Chessed" (kindness). For these rabbis who came from a war-torn Europe and had personally lost family and so many of their cherished students, they truly understood what this wonderful country offered them 

Notwithstanding all the positives and blessings, we also have real issues in this country that we must face and deal with. This is a complicated and nuanced issue.

Let us use this Thanksgiving weekend to re-examine our role models and who it is that we are asking our children to emulate. Let us focus on proper education with the timeless values and traditions,  and instill in our children a sense of right and wrong, black and white, not this confused “shade of grey” of today’s dubiety. Let us teach our children that to abuse or devalue anyone, is absolutely forbidden, period. Let us teach our children that sexuality is holy and special.

Let us teach our children that we must treat all people with respect and dignity that G-d demands, and that they so deserve. Let us bring back the values of these United States, that we are truly One Nation Under G-d, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Let us hold a moment of silence in our schools and homes, every single day, showing our children and reminding ourselves, that there is something greater than all of us, and we are all subservient to Him. 

Happy Thanksgiving. Shabbat Shalom!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Judges, Officers and Board Members - Shoftim

Parshat Shoftim

This week's Torah Portion speaks about the Mitzvah of appointing Judges and Officers in every city and community. The purpose of this mitzvah, is to establish law and order, and have morality and the values of the Torah, front and center in every Jewish community.

I can not help but reminisce a bit today. It was a special day.

Today, I began my twenty second year of teaching. From my first substitute teacher position in Oholei Torah Yeshivah in Brooklyn, NY, it has been an interesting and transformative ride. Twenty-Two letters in the Hebrew alphabet. Twenty-Two, the number of building blocks, the keys to understanding the Jewish faith and holy texts.

Today also began the fifth year of our day school-the  Shmuel Bass Torah Academy of San Antonio. What began as a dream of starting a Jewish day school after the previous school closed its doors, is today a thriving school of more than fifty students, in kindergarten through eighth grade. The continued improvements and matriculation from level to higher level, is in no small part due to the outstanding achievements of my college and friend Rabbi Dov Nimchinsky, our head of school and the amazing people I work with each and every day.

Today, the school wing of the Synagogue building that was once so big, felt quite small. The chapel that was once half-full, was brimming with smiling and excited young Jewish souls. Blessings of no small measure. Indeed, a special day.

But while we celebrate the successes and achievements, something is often overlooked.

The board members- modern day keepers of the gates and cities of every single Jewish Day School. Judges and Officers. 

The act of sitting on a school board, and volunteering time, money, heart and soul is not something too glamorous. In fact, it is a tremendous responsibility and sacred rite of being the gatekeepers of our most holy and prized institutions-the Torah education of our children. "Im Ein Kemach, Ein Torah - If there is no flour (financial sustenance), there is no Torah".

Over the last four years, my good friend Aaron Sarfati served as our president of the board. Along with him, many other fine and noble people, my wonderful wife Malkie included, stepped up to provide guidance, leadership and a steady hand. They provided our school with sound advice,  vision and the stability we needed, to take a fledgling concept of a Torah Day School in San Antonio and make it into a contender. Only HaShem knows the extent of their sleepless nights, tears, determination and fortitude. We are who we are, because of them.

Now for the fifth year, a change in the guard. A new board, with new judges and officers to help guide and inspire our wonderful school and help shape the minds and souls of our future Jewish community. As our new president, my friend, Ronen Bass addressed the teachers and faculty, I could almost see his father Shmuel Bass (the school's namesake) of blessed memory smiling from above with pride and Nachas. "Don't worry" he told me on that first day of TASA, "its going to be great". 

As our Torah portion tells us "Judges and Officers you shall place at all your gates", to preserve, protect and inspire the next generation of proud San Antonio Jews. May HaShem bless the board members of our school to take our beautiful gem to the next level and merit to see the fruits of their collective labor.

Hatzlachah Rabbah!

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

All you need is love...- Israel Tour

"All you need is love" are the lyrics to one of the famous Beetles songs. This song was originally sung in 1967 as part of the anti-war movement in the United States during the Vietnam War.

I would like to provide an entirely different and perhaps more spiritual take on the words "all you need is love".

My wife and I just returned from staffing a Taglit-Birthright trip through Mayanot Israel, one of the leaders (and most wonderful) in bringing thousands of young Jews to Israel. Our group, composed of thirty-six Americans, and seven Israeli soldiers, couldn't have been more eclectic. Add in the bus driver, an Israeli Arab, our medic, a young man from Indian descent, our tour guide, an American Oleh (made Aliya many years ago), and us, a Chabad rabbi & rebbitzin from San Antonio, Texas. Our group ranged from a nineteen year-old female, Israeli soldier to a twenty seven year old American dentist. Just about every job-field, interest and background and affiliation was represented. And then there was us, the "ultra-orthodox" couple, Jewish educators, some twenty years older than most participants.

Some days into the birthright trip, my wife and I were given the names Papa Bear and Mama Bear. At first I was amused and found it silly. But as the nickname spread and at the end of the trip we received a notebook with handwritten letters from each participant, I realized something much more profound. It was about love.

So many in the organized Jewish world bemoan the fate of today's young American Jews. "They are out of touch, disconnected, not interested, and lost" the critics say. While I am no expert on generational trends within the Jewish community or a prophet who knows the future, I do have a thought or two about this issue. Firstly, I too, am very concerned about the future of the Jewish people. I too, worry about assimilation and apathy among young Jews. As a Jewish educator for twenty years, I have seen the joys and oys of our global Jewish community. That being said, I have a suggestion for the leaders and doomsday prophets of our time. Go spend ten days with these very Jews of whom you speak. Spend ten days with them in our Holy Land, schvitzing, singing, laughing, crying, sharing, learning, questioning and exploring. I can only say that I have changed as a result of the two trips I have staffed. My wife, somewhat skeptical when I returned so inspired last year, has now joined the tribe after her first trip.

Many years ago in the 60's when the winds of change blew through this country, the Lubavitcher Rebbe-Rabbi Menachem M. Schnnerson of blessed memory shared his view on young Jews of that era. "They are deeply spiritual and they want meaning" the Rebbe explained. "They want unfiltered truth-Torat Emet" he preached. "Reach out to every one with Ahavat Yisrael - unconditional love, and you will see how precious these souls are". With that teaching and challenge, the first Chabad House was opened at UCLA in California,

Today we may have different challenges and battles than then. We may be more sophisticated and have technologies and smartphone apps that they never dreamed of. But I maintain, people are people, emotions are emotions, and the Jewish Neshamah-Soul is all the same.

During this period of the Jewish calendar from the 17th of Tamuz until after the 9th of Av, also called the "three-weeks", we focus on the infighting and senseless hatred that led to the destruction of our holy temple in Jerusalem. Our sages remind us that instead of blaming others, we ought to look inward, and see how we can treat others with more love and respect.

Perhaps, just perhaps, our polls would look a bit different, if we could incorporate these lessons into every Jewish organization, synagogue and school.

Treat people with love, unconditional love, nonjudgmental love, and teach, teach, teach our Torah of truth, and you will be shocked. These millennial Jews are so wonderful and profound.

The bond we shared was special. The respect and love they showed us was intense. I hope and pray that we merit to be called Papa and Mama Bear for many years to come.

B'Ahavah-with love,