Friday, February 20, 2015

Because He said So - Terumah

Because He Said So
Parshat Terumah

The portion of Terumah is a portion of giving. The word Terumah means "to donate".

Our Parshah enumerates the many different materials that were donated by the Jewish people to the building of the Tabernacle in the Wilderness (essentially, the first synagogue). There was also a great deal of personal investment in this august task. The planning, architecture, construction, and the many trades that were employed as part of the project. From smiths to artists and so many more, all came together to create the magnificent Mishkan (Sanctuary) for Hashem and the many holy vessels that filled it.

Yet, when the Torah concludes the instructional phase of our portion, the verse states "V'Chen Ta'asu - So shall you do" (Shemot 25:9).

This verse is puzzling on multiple levels. Firstly, If G-d wanted the Israelites to "do what He said", why was there the need for all these committees, planning, artisans, workers and the entire notion of giving "gifts" to the Mishkan. G-d could have easily commanded the Jews to give money and follow the instructions to the tee, end of discussion. On the other hand, if G-d wanted personal involvement and contribution from the people, why does the Torah conclude the entire section with a statement of "So shall you do", which is an authoritative command, without much wiggle room or creative license?

The answer is, that in order to serve a higher purpose, there really must be both elements in every project. There must be the vision, purpose and overall direction, but there must also be the personal involvement, investment and colorful expression that is brought by the individual.

That is the key to the survival and success of Jewish and religious institutions. We must, by all means, bring our own ingenuity, success, ideas, commitment and largess into a worthwhile project or organization, but we must always remember, that it is Hashem who sets the ground rules for our lives and morals. When we keep these fundamentals in place, we then can bring all we have to offer, as our offering.

So build beautiful organizations. Construct magnificent buildings. Contribute your resources. Get involved! But don't forget the fundamentals and never-changing principles of who and why we exist. G-d sets the rules and guidelines. It is Hashem that we trust to guide our direction, and then we bring our gifts and talents and contribute however we can.

Shabbat Shalom

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