Thursday, May 30, 2024

The Essence of our Lives - Bechukotai

The Essence of our Lives

This week we read the final portion of the book of Vayikra (Leviticus). The portion is called Bechukotai as our portion begins with the words "Im Bechukotai Telechu - If you will follow in my decrees and follow my commandments and perform them" (Leviticus 26:3).

The theme of this portion is great blessings that will come upon the Jewish people if they are true to their mission and follow G-d almighty's commandments. If however, heaven forbid, they will turn their backs on the commandments and G-d, then difficulties and tragedy will befall them. 

On the opening words "Im Bechukotai Telechu", our commentaries explain, that the words "If you will follow my decrees" is specifically speaking about the study of Torah, while the words "and follow my commandments" is a reference to observance of Mitzvot. The Torah is telling us that it is not enough to do or observe the commandments, but we must be diligent in study of the Torah as well.

The question is why? Why is so necessary to focus on the study of Torah and being diligent in its study? Is practical observance not enough?

Imagine a great scientist or physician who has dedicated their life to the study of a particular concept or cure. Would we say about them that they studied or dabbled in the respective field, or would we say this person has lived, breathed this idea or research? I would imagine that we would say that this research or cure has been their life's work and focus for the span of their career. This is their life!

The message of the portion is that its not enough to dabble in, observe or study Judaism, but the Torah and its teachings needs to be our core, the center of our lives. Because then, it is not just a topic but the essence of our beings.

Shabbat Shalom