The Bet in The Desert
Parshat Bamidbar
This week's Parshah begins the narrative of the Jewish people's experience Bamidbar-in the desert. After the Jewish people left Egypt in the year 2448, it was intended for them to enter the land of Israel. Unfortunately, due to their most grievous sin of the golden calf, G-d decreed that they would wander in the wilderness for forty years. Indeed it was not until the year 2488, that the Jewish people entered Israel with Yehoshua as the new leader.
The experience of "Bamidbar" was not an easy one for our people. There were many challenges - negative episodes like the spies, the sin of the quail, the rebellion of Korach, the waters of strife, to name a few. Throughout these years, a full generation passed on and new leadership arose. To say that these were transformative and challenging years, is a gross understatement.
Hence, the question. How did we weather that type of storm? How did a young faith and community survive such a difficult thing? For that matter how do we weather the "Midbar" of our own lives, when we face challenges, hardships and difficulties?
The Hebrew word מדבר - Midbar, means wilderness, or desert. במדבר - Bamidbar, with the letter ב (Bet), means in the desert or can mean through the desert. In Hebrew, the word for worries or trouble is Da'agah, spelled דאגה. This word has in it the first five letters of the Aleph Bet with the exception of the letter Bet. Our sages tell us that the letter Bet stands for Bitachon, trust in Hashem. Worries come from the lack of proper Bitachon in Hashem.
Perhaps we can understand the name of our Parshah through this lens as well. The way the Jewish people survived the challenges and vicissitudes of the Midbar was through having the Bet, the strong Bitachon and trust in Hashem.