Friday, July 29, 2022

Shared Journeys - Matos-Masei

Shared Journeys

This week's Torah portion of Matos-Masei recounts a number of episodes that took place at the very end of the forty year period that the Jews spent in the wilderness. Additionally, our portion recounts the forty-two stops or journeys that the Jews made during this period. As we conclude this double portion, and the entire book of Bamidbar - Numbers, we call out in unison as our tradition dictates  "Chazak, Chazak, V'Nitchazek - May we be strengthened and strengthened and be strong. 

According to Rabbi Yisroel Bal Shem Tov (1698-1720 Poland/Russia), each and every individual soul experiences forty-two journeys in their lifetime, mirroring the journeys of Am Yisrael-the Jewish people. These journeys are often complicated, uncomfortable, and challenging. Yet, it is only through these journeys that we can reach our individual "promised land". Each one of these experiences, makes us stronger, wiser, and more empowered to fulfill our own personal mission. 

Similarly, our ancestors spent forty years in the desert, traveling together, sharing experiences, both good and bad, and making many mistakes along the way. However, in the end, they were a people with a shared history, shared journey and shared experiences. They were now ready for their next chapter - the promised land.

As I do every summer, I just returned from another Taglit-Birthright Israel trip. My wife and I were privileged to be the Jewish Educators, imbuing the trip with spirituality, meaning, and a perspective, different then what our participants encounter daily. Being the age of many of our participant's parents, I guess we served in the parent role as well. Similar to our past trips, it was an inspiring and meaningful experience, along with delicious Israeli food and very hot weather.

One of the secrets of what makes Birthright Israel trips so successful and special, is the shared experience that everyone in the group shares. As each day of the trip passes, there is more connectivity, friendship, and sharing that occurs. The end result is forty strangers feeling like one Mishpacha-family. By design, the shared experiences, emotional, spiritual and physical, help the group bond together.

So too, our ancestors spent forty years traversing the desert together. Their shared experiences were meant to mold them into a cohesive nation and help them achieve their next goal - the ascension to Eretz Yisrael. It wasn't always pretty, but in the end, they were stronger because of these journeys.

As we each go through our own personal forty-two journeys, let us reflect not only on the end-goal, but also on the shared experiences and growth that allows us to achieve our own promised land. Indeed, we become strengthened through our many shared journeys.

Chazak, Chazak, Vnitchazek!

Shabbat Shalom,