Silent Support
Parshat Vayechi - Chazak
This week's Torah portion of Vayechi recounts our forefather Yackov's final years in Egypt. Yackov passes away and is buried in Eretz Yisrael. Eventually, Yosef and all his brothers, also pass away, and that era comes to an end. The portion of Vayechi, which is the final portion in the book of Berishit, concludes on a rather sad and depressing note. The era of the tribes has ended, and the servitude is eminent.
The Torah tells us in the last verse of this book (Berishis:50:26) "An Yosef died at the age of one hundred and ten years; they embalmed him and he was placed in a coffin in Egypt".
What a sad and depressing note to end the Book of Berishis! Couldn't the Torah have ended on a more promising and uplifting note?
Our sages explain that actually this ending is far from sad and depressing, but rather, uplifting and one of hope. The servitude of Egypt was about to begin and it would be a difficult and challenging two hundred and ten years for the Jewish people. They would need all their strength and fortitude to survive. They would need spiritual guidance, physical resilience, and emotional fortitude to weather the difficulties of exile. And it was Yosef who would be their support and rock. The same Yosef, who protected and cared for them in Egypt would now be "with them" in Egypt as they went through this difficult period. So actually, Yosef's burial in a coffin, in the Nile Delta, is a message of hope and encouragement, as he would be there with his people. Yosef was supporting and silently encouraging them.
In raising children and adolescents, one of the greatest gifts that we can give them is support. We must give them encouragement, support and even as they mature into young adults, we must continue to stand behind our children and be there for them. However, the style of support changes as the child ages. An infant must literally be held and fed. A toddler must be put down for a nap. A young child must be redirected to do the proper and correct things. A teenager must be validated, acknowledged and encouraged. A young adult must be reasoned with etc. etc. Sometimes, the support comes in the form of just being there while our children make their mark on the world, branch out, and try new things.
The lesson of this week's parshah is that like Yosef, we need to be there for our children, family, and friends. While Yosef couldn't say or do anything posthumously, nevertheless, he was there for them, offering support, love and guidance.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Y. Marrus