Thursday, May 28, 2020

An Ode To Our Teachers - Shavuot

Shavuot 5780
Dear Friends,
Tonight we will celebrate Shavuot, the holiday marking the giving of the Torah at Sinai 3332 years ago. Since then, the Torah, the soul and bloodline of the Jewish people has pulsed in our veins through the most challenging of times.
What however is the glue that has kept our people and traditions together for so many years?
My vote is on the transmitters of Torah and values, those amazing people also known as teachers. 
The Torah, commonly referred to as the Five Books of Moses, has in actuality two components. (1) The Written Torah, which includes the Five Books of Moses, written by Moses, as dictated to him by G-d Almighty, and (2) The Oral Torah, the traditions, explanations ,lessons, allegorical and Kabbalistic teachings. This second category was transmitted from G-d to Moses orally, and then in turn from Moses to Joshua, and then from teacher to student until our present day. 
There is a beautiful teaching (Midrash Rabbah Song of Songs) which states that when HaShem gave the Torah he wanted a guarantor that the Jewish people would value and keep its laws. The Jews responded with different suggestions including the Avot-patriarchs and Imahot-matriarchs, their sages, and themselves, but HaShem was not satisfied. When they finally suggested their children, HaShem was pleased.
Children represent the future and hopes of any society. As a Jewish people, we know that the most important demographic and area needing investment and care is our children-the next generation. For without them, there is no future.
In this challenging time of Covid-19, what is often lost on many is the enormous impact this is all having on children. From the obvious educational needs like math, science and Torah study, to the more subtle needs like social interaction, group experiences and social learning, that is as important and perhaps even more so than the textual study. 
In these trying times, parents are rightfully overwhelmed with trying to keep their families safe and healthy, earn a living and provide for everyone’s basic needs. Everyone is doing their very best and we will all be tremendously grateful when life gets back to normal.
And then we have our teachers. The brave, committed, dedicated and selfless educators who balance all of the above with their own families and then continue to provide quality education and social outlets for the children they are entrusted to educate. At our school, I have been humbled and inspired watching our teachers and staff do all of the above and much much more. The high quality of both Judaic and General Studies education, dedication to every student, one- on-one lessons and support, check-ins, dropping off of school materials and even arranging a drive-by Bat Mitzvah and so much more. This only part of what makes our Jewish Day School so special. It is the amazing educators that we are fortunate to have. They don’t do the job for the big paycheck or accolades. Rather, like it has always been,  they are dedicated to teaching and imbuing the next generations of Jews with hope, purpose, spirituality and morals. They are continuing the noble responsibility upheld since Sinai.
As we conclude the seventh year of academics at TASA, I tip my hat (yes, my black fedora) and say Kol Hakavod dear teachers, Thank You! You are the glue that has kept the Jewish people together throughout the millennia.

Chag Shavuot Sameach
Have a happy and Healthy summer break.
Rabbi Y. Marrus
Dean of Students